Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

“How did you find me?” Sasha asked Justin as they slowly made their way out of the warehouse.

“I forgot the name of the hotel Pete wanted me to meet him at. I went to his office where I left my invitation. I was there when the prison called to let him know Jim Carson escaped, I had answered the phone. I knew all about how he felt toward you so I went to your place just in case. I saw him dragging you out and now here we are.” Justin explained as he kept his arm wrapped around her waist.  Every couple of seconds she would go to the side. He was sure she might fall.

“How did you know where I lived?”  Sasha asked. That was the one question nagging at her.

“I went through Pete’s computer.”

“He won’t like that.”

“I’m sure he won’t. Come on you need to sit.”  Justin said as he slowly lowered her to the curb of the sidewalk then sat beside her. “How do you feel?”

“I feel like shit. Every minute that passes I feel worse. That damn bastard even in death he’s making my life a living hell.” Sasha explained as she lowered her head to rest against her forearms. Her legs were pulled to her chest and she knew her thighs were out, the damn dress.

“It’ll pass soon. You’ll feel sick for just a couple of more hours. We still need to get you to a hospital though.” Justin explained. He had parked far away so Jim wouldn’t hear him coming. Now they had to walk. It would help the drugs wear off and he didn’t want to leave her alone.

“I hate hospitals.” Sasha groaned.

“Honey, I don’t think anyone really likes them.” He drawled.

Sasha laughed at that. “Thanks for saving my life. I guess now I owe you.”

“Yup, you do. Pete’s a good guy, it’s great to work with him but I hate paperwork. You can do that for me.” Justin said as he stood from the curb.

“I don’t owe you that much.”

“We’ll work out the details later honey. Come on.” Justin said as he helped her up.

Justin got her to his car in another five minutes. Once they were at the hospital he explained to the doctors what happened and they took Sasha into a private room to examine her. After that he called Pete.

Not ten minutes after the call, Pete and Nicholas rushed into the hospital waiting room.

“What happened?” Nicholas asked.

“Jim Carson was waiting for her at your apartment. He drugged her then took her to a warehouse not far away. My guess he was rushing because the plan was sloppy. I followed them. Once Jim was dead I got Sasha here.” Justin simply explained from his seat.

“I knew there was a good reason you were late.” Pete said. Justin was always on time, if he wasn’t you knew something was either wrong or he got a lead on a case. “Not even a full day on the job and you’re saving lives. Good work.”

“Thanks for saving her life.” Nicholas said as he shook Justin’s hand. He got too close to losing Sasha. The thought scared him so much; he didn’t know how he could ever leave her side again.

“It was my pleasure.” Justin said.


The three men turned to the sound of the scream Sasha bellowed. They rushed inside the room.

“Damn girl, you were heard in another state.” Justin said.

Sasha looked at Justin then at Nicholas. Oh she was so happy to see him. When she was sure Jim was going to kill her, she regretted not seeing Nicholas one more time. He went and sat beside her on the bed. “What’s wrong?”

“Um…” Sasha started as she looked into his blue eyes. “The doctor just told me I’m pregnant.” She said the words quickly because she couldn’t think of an easy way to tell him the news.  She waited to see how he would react. She had been so shocked she screamed; he was silent. “Nick---”

He kissed her with such urgency and love. She was stuck with him now for the rest of his life but they already knew that.

“I guess you’re not upset.” Sasha said with a weak smile. He always caught her off guard.

“Why would I be upset?” Nicholas asked as he stared into her eyes.

“This wasn’t planned. We both have so much going with work and—everything.” Sasha said. She was still shocked but happy at the same time. She never knew she wanted children until she heard she was going to be a mother.

“Nothing about us was planned, why start now? We already agreed to spend our lives together. Now or later I knew we’d be a family.” Nicholas explained. He came from such a big family and always wanted one of his own. He went from being so worried and scared to the happiest he’d ever been in his whole life time.

“I guess we have to move the wedding up.” Sasha joked as she and Nicholas hugged.

Justin and Pete just stood off to the side and watched but when Pete heard that he had to ask. “A wedding?”

Sasha and Nicholas finally realized other people were in the room. “On the plane ride back from Maple Oaks I asked Sasha to marry me.” Nicholas explained.

“I said yes.” Sasha said with a huge smile. Now she was too happy to feel sick but she did every so often want to throw up. Was it the drugs or because she was pregnant? She didn’t know but now that explained why the last two months she felt sick.

“I love it when I’m right.” Pete said. “I told you; you were meant to be.”

“A kidnapping, a child and a wedding. I picked a perfect day to show up.” Justin said as he leaned against the hospital room wall.

“Yeah.” Sasha agreed. “And since you saved our lives, you have to come to the wedding.” She told him as she met his green eyes.

Justin ran his hand through his elbow length dirty blond hair. “I don’t know.” He said as he shook his head. Weddings, public things weren’t Justin’s style.

Sasha smiled, she liked Justin. He could kick ass and he was simple from his tasks to his words, if she wasn’t madly in love with Nicholas she could easily fall for Justin. “Did I ask?”

“No Ms Madden soon to be McBain, you didn’t ask.”

“All right then. You’ll be there.” Sasha told him then looked at Nicholas. “We’re gonna have to move into a bigger place now.”

“We’ll get working on it.” Nicholas said. “After the wedding.”

Life Bleeding in my Hands (FBI Series Book 1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon