Cap 5

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//Take a look around you, Yeah, the sky is falling
Sinners say your prayers, this train is off the tracks
Nothing is forever, when tomorrow's calling
Dancing with the devil, take it one day back
I'm not afraid of burning bridges
'Cause I know they're gonna light my way
Like a phoenix, from the ashes
Welcome to the future, it's a new day

We don't run
I'm standing my ground
We don't run
And we don't back down
There's fire in the sky
There's thunder on the mountain
Bless each tear and this dirt I was born in
We don't run
We don't run//

*Jessica's point of view*

Both of them stared at me like two figurines and none of them probably knew what to say. Steve was frowning and looked quite angry, whereas Barnes seemed to be surprised and looked like he had swallowed his tongue.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Steve?" I asked to break the weird silence.

"What is wrong with me?" he raised his eyebrow and threw his hands up. "You think I wanted this to happen?" he added and gazed at me intently.

"Then tell me exactly what happened," I gave him chance to explain it.

Steve hesitated for a while, but then looked at Barnes who nodded at him. Steve looked back at me and sighted: "Tony knows..."

"Dammit, that shouldn't have happened..." I responded and angrily shook my head. I knew exactly what he was talking about: "...Who told him?"

"No-one... He saw it on a record that Zemo showed him," he answered immediately.

"Zemo? That's the man who have imprisoned me..." I realised when I heard that name. "...He must have planned everything," I looked at Barnes who didn't seemed to be sorry for what he'd done.

"Yes. This has been his plan from the beginning..." confirmed Steve.

"Where is he now?" I asked, because I couldn't see him anywhere.

"We don't know," answered Steve, looking guilty to the ground.

"Of course you don't..." I responded reproachfully. "...Because you were fighting like small kids instead of stopping him!" I put both hands on my hips to make me look really angry. Well, it actually worked, because both of them looked at me with puppy eyes.

"You're right, Jessica..." Steve surprisingly admitted. "...We shouldn't solve it that way. I understand that learning the truth was painful for Tony, but I couldn't let him to get the revenge. It was not Bucky who had killed his parents..." he explained to me calmly, since he probably didn't want to argue.

"I know... It was the Winter Soldier," I sighted and made both of them confused with my words...again.

"So you agree that Bucky is innocent?" asked Steve carefully.

"I didn't say that..." I shook my head. "...But he helped me escape, so I owe him a little," I explained and then turned serious: "We should find Zemo, he won't stop until he destroys you."

"Okay, let's go," agreed Steve and headed the shortest way out of the building.

Barnes immediately followed him and when he walked past me, he looked at me with a grateful smile.

"OH, don't you dare to think I've changed my opinion of you..." I frowned at him. He didn't respond to that and simply walked away. "Jerk..." I whispered to myself and hurried after them.

When we came out of the base, we couldn't see anyone. Steve, Barnes and I walked through a path covered by snow, looking for Zemo. Everything was quiet and it looked like everyone who was there only few hours ago, suddenly disappeared.

Captain America: Divided we fall *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now