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//Feel it comin' in the air
Hear the screams from everywhere
I'm addicted to the thrill
It's a dangerous love affair
Can't be scared when it goes down
Got a problem, tell me now
Only thing that's on my mind
Is who's gonna run this town tonight...
Is who's gonna run this town tonight...
We gonna run this town//


It's been almost four weeks since the whole Avengers vs. Avengers conflict and we were still in Wakanda. And by 'we' I mean Steve, Barnes and me. Due to the fact that Tony probably didn't want to see Steve and the whole world was looking for us, as if we were some criminals, we had to keep a low profile, which was not a big problem, since no-one would have thought that we were hiding in Wakanda.

It may sound like a huge boredom for people like us, not being able to do anything that would drew attention to ourselves. The Avengers hadn't been a secret organisation long before they had divided, so they got used to that people had recognised them everywhere. But it was different here, in Wakanda. No-one was impressed that one of the world's greatest superheroes was in their realm, no, the people here acted to all of us as if we had been ordinary people.

I didn't have much to do, so I thought that I would go crazy very soon. Steve left a few days ago, he didn't explained what he'd been up to, but he said that he had to fix up something. I didn't asked what, maybe he told Barnes, who was still recovering, but I haven't spoken to him since Siberia. Honestly, I have avoided him, but only because I didn't know what I should tell him. On the other hand, it didn't seem to bother him, since he hasn't tried to talk to me either.


My days here always started with a morning workout. And even this day was no exception. I just had my box training when I noticed that Barnes suddenly appeared next to me.

"So...Steve told me you've saved my life," he said and nervously ran a hand through his hair.

"Steve's sometimes over dramatic..." I stopped punching and looked at him: "...I'd say that I've repaid my debt," I smiled cheekily and returned to boxing.

"If you say so..." he remarked quietly and kept looking at me.

I knew I won't be able to avoid him anymore, so I just started a new conversation: "How do you feel, anyway?" I asked.

"Better, the doctors still take care of me, but I think I'm good now..." he answered immediately.

"Yeah, you look good..." I remarked and he slightly smiled. Then I realised that it could come out differently than I intended. "...For a 99 years old guy," I added and grinned to hide my insecurity.

"Thanks, I guess..." he responded.

After some time of silence, I decided that we should talk about what happened in Siberia: "Umm...So, when you got injured... Well, it was because you were looking for me... And I just can't figure out why did you do that-" I spoke slowly, because I was slightly embarrassed. However, I couldn't finish my speech.

Barnes was listening to me the whole time, but suddenly, he seemed like he was dizzy and lost balance.

"James!" I shouted and quickly rushed to him. I grabbed his hand and put it around my shoulders so he couldn't fall.

When I checked if he was conscious, I saw that he was smiling: "What's so funny?" I raised my eyebrow, still helping him to keep on his feet. At least I though he needed my help...

"That was the first time you've called me by my name..." he chuckled and I realized that he only pretended the faintness.

I immediately put my arms off him and pushed him away: "You jerk!" I swore and crossed my arms. "I hate you so much..."

Captain America: Divided we fall *COMPLETE*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora