Early Mornings

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It’s a good thing that I was able to get some sleep. If I didn’t get any, I would look like crap later on. Anyways, AJ somehow got in my place and woke me up. He told me that Stella let him in. That sneaky little kid knows how to open a door. So yea, AJ just pulled me up and dragged me to an empty room. I guess it’s his way of waking me up the rude way. I’m hoping that he has some logical explanation on why he’s decided to drag me all of a sudden. The sunlight torpedoed past through the windows and bounced back on every object it has contact with. This also means that it’s morning already. At first I thought he showed up before dawn and I was ready to beat the crap out of him. Glen tagged along but he didn’t try to make any contact with me so I let him go. “There’s something really important that I really need to talk to you about.”

            I groaned and plopped down on a chair.

            “Come on, smiley.” He pinched me in the cheeks, “It’s your big day today, isn’t it?”

            “What do you want to talk about?”

            His smirked turned in to a serious smile and it creep me out a little, “I have something.”

            “Okay.” I nodded,

            He sat right next to me and fished something out of his pocket. It appears to be a crumpled piece of paper, “This, smiley, is dad’s outdated checklist.”

            I took it as he handed me the paper. Briefly skimming through the tiny piece of crumpled paper. I knew it was really dad’s. “How did you get this?”           

            “He gave it to me before I… You know…”           

            “You’re lying.” I spat without looking up, “You stole it.”

            “Hey, it’s something that’s him that I took with.”

            “So you admitted that you stole this?”

            “Yea, I stole it.”

            “Why didn’t you say so? I’m cool with it.”

            “I was just trying to show you a good moral.”

            I snorted, “You should do that to the guys’ kids.”

            “Anyways, as you can see, not all have been ticked. So, I’m updating it for him- as a favor for him.”

            I reread through the list and my heart broke into a million pieces. What hasn’t been ticked majorly involves me. I guess dad and I have similar visions. He’s done a lot of things with the boys, like soccer or whatever boys do. It was cute, reading what he’s done with my brothers. On the other hand, it’s sad that he hasn’t done much with me. Then my heart shattered even more when I got to the bottom, “You really wanna do this?”

            AJ nodded, “It’s what he wanted-  I mean, wants. I know he still wants to do this.”

            “What he wants.” I nodded knowingly, “There’s, like, only one left if I’m not wrong. I’ve done some of these with Uncle Ben and Andy.”

            He took the paper from me, “Then we’ll just cross these off the list and see what it leaves us with.”

            “Dad never got to interrogate Ryan, thank God.”

            “But Ryan had to be interrogated by more than eight people, so that deserves a gigantic tick.”

            I let out a pathetic chuckle.

The Foster Kid (Part 9) (A Foster The People Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now