Chapter 3

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 I found Tom sitting in a chair by the window in the hallways, staring at the rain. "Tom." I said as I walked closer to him. Tom has never ben into detention before, and I think he just wants his reputation to be clean. "I-I can't believe I got into detention." Tom says as he buries his face in his hands. "Tom. It's not your fault." I say to comfort him, but I feel like what I said didn't make anything better. "I know, but then.... If it isn't, why did she send me to detention? It's not like I'm bad or anything." Tom says as he draws an imaginary circle with his finger on the window sill. "You know Miss Gray. She's always like this. Having dramatic problems in her life. She goes through it through cruelty." I say, hoping that it'll make things better. "You always know what to say, Ave. You'll always do." he says as he smiles. "Do you feel better NOW?" I ask, and immediately follow up another statement that'll free him from this negative aura. "Fine, Tom. After school, I'll treat you for a change. Are you good with that?" I tell him, and it immediately brightens up his day. "YES!!! Let's go to the next class, Ave! I can't wait for school to end!" he says as he stands up and grabs my hand. I blush as he drags me to the next class. Everyday's just like this, a rollercoaster of moments I'll never, ever forget because of the one and only Thomas Faulkner.

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