Rant #2: Of Mice & Men Fan.

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Alright, this rant is about a girl I go to school with, and I've said this to her, so I'm not starting some internet drama bullshit.

Let me start with what was going on. This girl has the nerve to come to me and say that I'm not a true fan of one of my favorite bands, Of Mice & Men. I was fucking PISSED, livid, considering she only knew who they were because of yours truly. Anyways, I got past it, whatever.

I was in Civics and I had songs and lyrics written on my pants. Since she's supposed to be this big fucking fan and know everything about them or some shit, I showed her a writing that said, "I'll eat your heart, I'm a monster," and said, "You should know this song."

Bet you you can guess what she told me. "I don't listen to Motionless in White." What the actual fuck?! Who the fuck said anything about Motionless in White!? Holy fucking Balz! You call yourself Of Mice & Men's biggest fan and you don't know that lyric by heart? Oh my fucking Horror. I almost went Chris Motionless on her on the spot.

If you only know who the bands are because of someone, DON'T ACT LIKE YOU KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT THEM!!! Jesus Christ! You want to be a fangirl, that's all fine and dandy, I'm glad, but stop acting like you know everything when you can't even tell me the name of the song from the lyrics on my pants, or tell me the RIGHT band for that matter.

Ugh. People these days, god damn.

Okay, rant over.(:


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