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You hand me a vinyl,

black, red, cold on my fingers

you told me it was your favourite song of your favourite band

and you wanted to share it with me

I play it on my grandmas old record player

it spins slowly

the sound growing and cascading

like the music notes waltzed around the air in front my vulnerable eyes

and it was loud

but I loved it

my record player is damaged now

it jumps and skips and repeats repeats

and skips and jumps it

blurs the words together until I can't make out who sung it or when I heard it last

I hear you

even though I can't remember how deep your voice is or whether you stutter when you are scared

I hear your laugh

and the crack in your voice when you told me you were going away

I heard you leave

and never look back

People don't understand that the first thing you forget is a persons voice

and people don't understand that hearing you was like an orchestra in my mind

no I don't mean a melodic symphony out of a 50's movie

I mean the kind of discordant cacophony

so huge and so loud

I can't fucking breathe

or think

As you left you took away my ability to infatuate, or to love

without hearing those violins screech and sting with as high a frequency as my thoughts of you

and the vinyl keeps spinning with information about:

your little brother

your house on the countryside

your favourite movie's favourite song's favourite singer's birthday

(which you called me a lucky bitch for sharing mine)

I bet you didn't even know my favourite colour

And the time I met you in that music shop I was wearing underwear with vinyls embroidered onto them

telling me to stay on track

but they didn't take into account the power you had to scratch the needle on my surface just because you went away

and I kept asking:

Was it something I did? Was I too forward? Was I too annoying? Was I too available?

And I just wanted to scream

So that it could drown the violins

And people keep telling me there will be other fish in the sea. But I don't want fucking fish, I want him.

And I knew this wasn't real. I should've known that unrequited love burns just like bleeding eardrums. I knew I was turning up the stereo too fast, too chaotic.

But I had been living in silence for so long, I needed some rock and roll.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2016 ⏰

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