Chapter 14

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A week had passed and the competition was finally here! I couldn't wait! I was so excited. I slipped on my black jodhuprs, black boots, white tanktop and black and white dressage coat and hat. The whole outfit was a gift from my parents who were waiting excitedly in the stands.

I tacked up Romeo in his new black and white tack. A white saddle pad and white polo wraps. A black saddle and bridle completed his tacking. There were 6 teams ahead of ours and me and Lara did some practicing before hand. We might need it considering what the other stable's teams got.

The competitors were from Silverglade Stables. Another fancy stables in New York. They had pretty good riders but they weren't as good as our teams. Except for the team with Jacqueline in it. They didn't get the greatest score. Jacqueline fell of her horse is a figure eight and Calypso tried jumping out of the arena. While they tried to catch her, Anna Lanamen tried her hardest to finish the routine. I didn't know what the got a score of but it was probably very low.

Cassie and Belle practiced in the indoor arena and we practiced in the paddock. Belle and Cassie were up before us. They had many rearing, sidestepping, and figure eights in their routine. It was fairly easy and they seemed pretty satisfied with it. Ours had rears, side stepping, and figure eights too. But they also had square halts, spanish walks, flying changes and much more! 

We practiced until 2 more teams were ahead of us.  Then we gave the horses a little time to rest.  And hopped back on them when Belle and Cassie started their routine.

They finished their routine perfectly and we were up next.

" Good luck Lara.  You too Vegas," I whispered while patting Vega's groomed neck.

" You too Teegan. And Romeo."

Then we entered the areana.  We trotted to x and saluted the judge.  She smiled and signaled for us to begin.  We cantered to etheir side of the ring, and cantered the outline of it.  Lara stayed right on the rail.  We were in opposite directions I passed her staying on thr outside if her.  Whenever we could we did flying changes until we slowed to a trot into the middle.

We started off facing the judge walked our horses forward an inch, made them rear, and they turned to the left while doing.  Then we proceeded.  Walk backwards an inch, rear, while turning left.  Walk forwards and inch, rear while turning left.  And one more time walk fowards and inch, rear, while turning left.  We landed in the same exact spot facing the judge while the crowd cheered widly!  We were doing great so far!

Then we walked them backwards to the end of the ring and started our Spanish walk.  They performed perfectly, heads held high and polished hooves shining like china plates.

We proceded to do figure eights in a fast trot.  Then we finished and sides stepped the whole ring while me and Lara were stepping in different directions! Finally we finished with stationary turns and we high stepped back to X to salute the judge again.  But we had a surprise up our sleeves.

When we slatued the horses bowed with one leg out and one tucked in.  And we bowed too until we signaled them to trot out.  The audience gave us a standing ovation! Some people cheered while some shouted for an encore.  Some were even doing both! Some of the other team gathered around us to shout " NO FAIR!".  But we didn't care we did great.  And the other stable may get points taken off for bad sportsmanship.  Especially when they yelled at the judge to lower our scores because we were trained by Andrea.  Security had to haul them and the horses away!

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