Chapter 7

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The next morning was cold. And I was in the stalls, freezing my butt of while I worked. While my horses happily muched their treats. Today I was starting show jump training with Romeo. I was going to continue dressage but I thought we had enough practice with that. We were going to do smaller jumps. Not the same size a Brownie would jump. Obviously because a pony is smaller than a horse. Romeo could've done bigger jumps though just because he was just so good at everything! He was litteraly the pony of my dreams! I couldn't forget Brownie though! He was DEFINITELY the horse of my dreams. School started up again and I wasn't happy about that. Usually I would love to go back but school meant less riding time. Lucky for me and my horses, school was getting out a MONTH early this year! That meant extra riding time in good weather! I couldn't wait.

I also couldn't wait for this weekend. Me and Brownie were finally going to train for our jumping portion of our show in May! I couldn't wait! When we walked the course it looked hard but I knew we could do it. We always won in shows. And my new outfit and Brownie's new tack would add us some extra points! This was going to be a great competition!!!

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