Chapter 10

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We did a Passe De Duex. I was paired with Lara. Vegas liked Romeo and didn't mind him standing besides his shoulder and flank. The routine was full of figure eights, side stepping, flying changes and more moves.

After practice I turned Romeo out to the pasture. Brownie and Vegas nickered to him and he trotted over to him. They cantered around the pasture but Romeo had to gallop to keep up. They were so cute together! They were like the 3 Musketeers of the horse world. They trotted over to the fence seperating the geldings and stallions from the mares. They whinnied, hoping to attract the attention of some mares. Cera ran to Vegas. They were best friends from the day they met. Zoe Cliano owned Cera. She was a pretty chesnut Throughbred. Fanta and Logan galloped over to Brownie and they touched noses. That was so cute and prescious!

Brownie caught the eye of Belle. She was the smallest horse there but not a pony. They were perfect for each other. I hoped they would have a foal someday. Belle was owned by Eva Gianto. Eva was a pretty good rider. She did some dressage but mostly trail riding. She was the camp counseler. And did kid's ridng lessons. She was an ok rider and Belle was too advanced for her. She was looking to sell her to someone at the stables. I just might have to buy her. She might not though just because she was hoping to train herself to be a better rider.

Suddenly I heard a huge, loud neigh. King came pounding down the hill. He thought he was top male horse and always tried making the horses do what he wanted but they never listened. Chloe Vancheso owned him. He was a black Clydesdale-Arabian cross. He had the height of a Clydesdale but everything else was Arabian. He was beautiful but very bossy. I felt bad for him. He was bossy, only because Chloe didn't treat him that well. She wanted to sell him so I was looking to buy him.

Cherokee came running after him. Cherokee was an astonishing palomino paint horse. His rider Isabella Blackhawk rode him. He was the top stallion. His loud nicker snapped me out of my day dream.

I looked for King and saw the diaster in front of my eyes!

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