Chapter 7

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                                                                               *Gemmas POV*

I was so nervous about having to tell them, but I knew that it was now or never. "A few months ago I was really upset, I felt really lonely and I had to much to drink so my vulnerability levels were high." I looked down at my hands as I nervously twiddled  my thumbs and my hands were starting to sweat. "Travis was comforting me all night, paying so much attention to me and being so sweet. One thing led to another and we somehow ended up in the bedroom together"

"OMG don't tell me..." Marwan trailed off at the realisation of where my story was headed. "I'm afraid so" I said dropping my head in shame. We all went silent and could hear was the rhythmic hum of the car.

"But you're not...pregnant are you?" Maddy hesitantly asked breaking the painful silence. I glanced over at Caroline as she gave me a comforting nod. "No..But I thought I was" I said starting to tear up. "I know what you're all thinking, How could I be so stupid"

"Have you spoken to him since? Does he know about the pregnancy scare?" Caroline asked with a concerned tone in her voice. "I havn't spoken to him since, I was to ashamed to face him the next morning so I left before he woke up"

We arrived back at Maddy's house and all jumped out of Marwans car and made our way inside her house. Her family were away on vacation so we all decided to crash at her place for the weekend.

Getting into our nightwear I climbed into the pull out couch next to Marwan that was located in Maddys room because Caroline had already called dibs in the spare spot on Maddy's luxurious queen sized bed.

While we were waiting for Maddy to jump out of the shower I gazed around the room not taking note of Marwan and Carolines conversation about tonight's events. Maddy's room was massive, it had it's own walk in robe and en-suite. The theme was pink and Zebra chic. I was always envious of her plush Zebra print rug that complimented her pink couch.

In the middle of my day dream, Maddy comes barging into the room dripping wet covered with nothing but a a towel "WHO STOLE MY NIGHTY FROM MY BATHROOM!" Her lips pressed in a straight line trying to suppress the laughter and be serious. Caroline and I both seemed confused, when all of a sudden Marwan jumps out of the covers wearing Maddy's black silk nighty trimmed with lace. "You mean this one!" He doubled over in laughter and put on a little fashion show strut. The three of us burst out laughing with tears rolling down our faces.

"Oh Marwan this is why we love you" Caroline said between bounds of laughter. "You always know how to cheer us up. Now give me back my bloody nighty!" Maddy exclaimed trying to stop laughing. "Okay, but i'm warning you. I'm not wearing any underwear" He smirked slowly lifting up the nighty. The three of us all screamed at him to stop. "Oh god no! You can wear it, I will get another one!" Maddy hurried over to her walk in wardrobe trying not to look at Marwan in her favorite sexy nighty.

Maddy returned in another silk number however this one was purple with a blue lace trim. We all jumped into out beds as Caroline turned off the lights and began one of our famous midnight DNMs.

Maddy began the discussion, "So Caroline how come you were making out with Rhys when you have that thing with Ryan?"  "Well he wasn't at the party now was he" She joked before answering seriously. "We're not talking as much anymore. I don't think his interested" "Let me have a word to him. I will find out the deets of if he is still interested" I said winking before realising that is it dark and they can't see my facial expressions. "He will tell me everything. We go way back to our childhood days"

"Okay thanks" Caroline said quietly before changing the topic. "So who's party were we invited to anyway?"

"Bitch please, we don't get invited to parties. We crash them!" Marwan said way to enthusiastically considering it was so late and we were drained from so much twerking and all the drama of the night.

After a few more topics were touched on we all said goodnight and went to sleep.

The Forgotten SecretsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora