Chapter 4

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                                                                         *Marwans POV*

We all jumped out of parked party vehicle and strutted over to bouncer guarding the only entrance into the party. I led the way giving the bouncer a cheeky wink when he all of a sudden stopped us in our tracks "Hold up guys what are your names?" He said looking down at his clip board of names. Maddy immediately replied to the bouncer with confidence that we were on the list because we were THE MOST popular group at school "Caroline, Gemma, Marwan and Maddy!"

While we waited in complete silence as he scrolled down the list and finally replied with a stone cold expression "Sorry guys you're not on the list" The girls all looked at each other with blank expressions when Gemma pushed herself to the front and fliped her golden locks behind her shoulders, placing her hand on her hip with sass, she said "Can you check again" She flirted. After a couple more seconds of silence he repeated himself saying "Sorry guys,you're not on the list!" This time with slightly more anger.

Before I could react with a smartass excuse Caroline had already pushed herself to the front, softly looking the bouncer directly in his eyes and batting her eyelashes flirtaciously. "I think I have someting that will change your mind" She said biting her lip with her sexy voice lingering in the air. Oh god what is she going to do I thought to myself anxious to know what was running through her mind.

As Gemma was about to speak up, Caroline lifted her top and bra up in swift motion revealing her naked breasts. The bouncer's face lit up like the fouth of July as he motioned us in to the party.

Being the gentleman that I am I let the girls go in first, as I was about to make my way across the threshold of the party of the year the bouncer stuck out his  bulky arm and looked  at me giving me somewhat of a smirk. I began to unzip my skinny jeans assuming he wanted me to flash him as well. The girls looked at me confused, signalling me to stop what I was doing but I figured this was the very definition of a YOLO moment.

As I flashed the bouncer he bitch slaped me with his clipboard I wondered what I possibly could have done wrong. I walked away wondering how the hell I was going to get into this party, because my gosh I was going to get into this party even if it was the last thing I was going to do!

While I was walking away I spotted a tree that was conviently next to the garage.

I climped up the tree carefully as I didn't want to dirty my white snakeskin shoes, however with this cheetah print top on I really felt like I was in the jungle! I made my way to the top and jumped across to the garage roof. I could hear the music from the party blaring below as I make my way to the edge of the roof . I held onto the gutter making my way down. Thankfully no one noticed me.

As I began to search for the girls, my phone started to ring. I answered it but because of the loud music I couldn't hear Maddy talking on the other end, so I quickly made my way to the bathroom to be able to hear Maddy's voice. I opened the bathroom door and to my surprise I found the girls in the bathroom. Maddy's face light up when she saw me and hung up the phone. Caroline and Gemma didn't notice my presence as they were to busy taking selfies on snapchat.

We made our way out of the bathroom to the middle of the dance floor but detoured to the kitchen to grab some shots first.

Just as we made our way to the middle of the dance floor our party anthem started playing! We all got really excited and got ready to twerk. Raising our shot glasses we all made a toast "Here's to a great night!" *clink* *clink*

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