Chapter 3

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                                                                    *Maddy’s POV*

We arrived at my house and I unlocked the door for my friends. I ran to my room to grab my rubber ducky and jumped in the bathtub. After about 20 minutes, I heard a knock at the bathroom door and Marwan asking if he can come in to talk. I quickly jumped out of the bath, wrapped my towel around me and opened the door for Marwan to come in.

He sat on the side of the bath and asked me “Do you think something is going on with Gemma and Caroline”

It was only now that I truly released just how awkward and shifty that car ride was, and wondered if there could be a secret Marwan and I don’t know about yet.

“I don’t know they were acting strange in the car” I said in reply to his question.  It went quiet for a bit and we could hear Gemma and Caroline talking in the distance.

The silence was broken when Marwan asked “Should we bring it up in front of them to see if they will spill the hot steamy goss?”

“No I think we should leave it for now, obviously they don’t want to talk about it yet, just give them time” I protested, I was just praying to God that he could keep his mouth shut!

And just like that it became a forgotten secret.

“You know for a dumb person you can actually say some pretty intelligent things!” Marwan jokingly said and winked at me. I didn’t know whether to feel offended because he called me dumb or flattered because he said I was intelligent.

Marwan walked out of the bathroom first to make it less suspicious but Caroline and Gemma were quick to notice us both. Confused glares were exchanged. I felt my cheeks starting to burn, so I hid behind Marwan to hide my embarrassment.  I was trying to figure out exactly what they were thinking, and it hit me… they thought me and Marwan were getting it on in the bathroom! I guess the fact that I was only wearing a towel made the situation worse.  Did they forget that I had been going out with Jake for almost a year now?

Marwan being the player that he is knew straight away what they were thinking and went along with it to further embarrass me.  The girls looked at each other and cracked up laughing.

“Shut-up bitches we have a party to get ready for” Marwan mimicked his earlier comment. We all put on our new clothes and Caroline helped do our makeup and hair.

After a solid hour of getting ready and when our phones were fully charged, ready to take some saucy snapchats and selfies we all piled into Marwans car. It was a sexy black 2013 Jeep Patriot.  It was the ultimate party car, decked out with a sweet as light and sound system that brought the party wherever we went as well as a sunroof that Caroline often flashed people from on the way home from parties after she got drunk.

We pumped up the tunes and turned on the party lights as we hit the road for the party.

It was only when we arrived at the party and saw the security that Caroline, Gemma and I didn't realise whose party we were attending tonight.

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