Chapter 4

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Little Girl frowned. This is the best version of herself. She turned to the next page and found them filled with more entries. 'Weird.'

           Little Girl, remember I said person not version. I know you want to fit in with the other kids. Don't deny it. Every person wants to belong somewhere but rush into things. Be patient, Little Girl, you'll soon find friends you can trust with your life. Just work hard and continue reading those short little stories of yours. It doesn't matter if you finish them. Just continue expressing yourself in the way you know best.

Little Girl continued reading with hopeful eyes. Future her said she'll find friends she could trust. 'I wonder when would that be?' She  turned to the next page but it blank. Little girl read everything but why was it...oh!

           Little Girl, don't be alarmed. I left these pages blank for you to write down your little adventures. I believe you'll have tons, some will look insignificant but remember that everything has consequences. Be prepared for the journey ahead of you. read tons of book, be more observant of your surroundings and try not to numb yourself of emotions. Feeling things is normal and not feeling them is normal too. But I suppose it differs to each person what they define as normal. I believe in you!.

Little Girl closed the book and stored it at the back of her closet. When she remembers, she'd open it and record her adventures and misadventures. Time passed and Little Girl started to grow too. At the time when she, at 9 years old, found the book, she didn't understand what her future self meant by "be the best person you can be." But slowly she started to realize that because she wanted to belong with the popular kids, the real her, a smart, jolly and friendly kid began to die and was being replaced of a shell of what was once a person.

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