Chapter 2

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They say that school is your second home but Little Girl didn't feel that way. Her days in that place was filled with fear, self-loathing and repressed thoughts. The place she was supposed to call home became her very own Hell. Her things began to go missing even when she had her own shelf space. She learned to hide everything she believed was valuable; books, letters, lectures and pencils. Slowly, the world around her began changing.

Everyone began to care more on who was popular or what made you popular. They started judging you for being fat or skinny or tall or other trivial things you can't control. Little Girl lost some of her friends because she didn't understand why they found it amusing to bully another student. She continued being her jolly self and the "popular" kids didn't like it one bit.

"Little Girl, Little Girl maybe it's time for you to grow up. " said one of her former friends.

"...and maybe we'll let you join our group again." said another.

'No thanks. I'd rather be alone than be with people who finds joy in seeing others cry or embarrassing the new kid by pulling down hos pants during morning assembly.' Little Girl thought and walked away. 'It's not funny. You're hurting people and you don't even care.'

The band wagon of bullies started filling up and Little Girl, quiet as a mouse, stayed in the sidelines. She found new friends. Kids that didn't fit in or kids that didn't care much for the spotlight. When her former friends left, Little Girl found more time to focus on her academics and interests. But she still saw people getting hurt. She didn't know what else she could do. But one day she found a book, address to her, that changed it all. She didn't know who put it in there but when she got home it was in her bag.

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