Chapter 1

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There was once a child called Little Girl built as thin as a stick with small eyes and lips and a flat nose. She saw the good in almost everyone and befriended those she deemed worthy of her friendship. Even with her positive attitude towards her schoolmates, she became the target of bullies namely a pack of students led by a boy called Clown.

Clown and his friends started when they were in 1st grade.

It was lunch time, most of the class went to the canteen for food but Little Girl took out her packed lunch ready to eat. After she took a few spoonful, a shadow loomed over he. She looked up and paled for she saw a grinning Clown. The boy stood at 5'1, had light skin, coconut shaped hair and the darkest brown eyes she'd ever seen.

"Little Girl, Little Girl I'm hungry. Your food will be enough to satisfy me." Clown moved to take her spoon but Little Girl jerked away.

"Buy your own lunch." Little girl mumbled and stood to move somewhere far away from Clown.

"Little Girl, Little Girl teacher said to share your blessings."

"Stupid Clown, teacher isn't here. "Fortunately, before a fight ensued, the school bell rang and lunch time ended.

Little Girl in a "Man's World"Where stories live. Discover now