Chunin Exams:The Forest Of Death!! Part 2

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Dark7Light:Guys I have returned!I have changed some part of the chapter and Thanks for the votes minna I am really happy!ITFOD(The Forest Of Death) chapter part 2 is here there will be a part 3 and the next part will be posted so stay tuned.

Yaya:*appeared out of nowhere* Dark-chi does not own Naruto or any other animes that she will use in the future.

Dark7Light:*Having heart attack from Yaya popping out of nowhere*B-bye b-bye


Akari's pov:

We heard a high-pitch scream."Guys,let's keep on going don't want enemies to attack us,"I said pulling my hood down even more."Wait guys,I need to pee,"Naruto suddenly exclaimed while zipping down his pants. Sakura bonked his head and shouted at him,"NARUTO!IT'S NOT POLITE TO ZIP DOWN YOUR PANTS AND SAY 'I NEED TO PEE!' IN FRONT OF GIRLS!"I rubbed my ear at her loudness as Naruto hurried behind the bushes.Once the pain was gone in my ear cuz' of Sakura, Naruto came out.I took out my necklace,a bright light appeared revealing my Sycthe/Gun. Sasuke immediately threw a kunai at Naruto."Sasuke,why did you do that?"Sakura asked"Yeah why did you do that,Believe it!"Naruto exclaimed while dodging the kunai only to be greeted by my sycthe but dodge that as well."Well Naruto has a scratch on his left cheek and his ninja gear should be on his right leg not the left.Anyways Naruto could not dodge that attack,"Sasuke said as I nodded.

*Poof*Naruto turned into a ninja from the Rain village."You caught me,now hand over the scroll,"He said and tried to attack me.I blocked the attack with my sycthe,"We will never give you the scroll!"I exclaimed.I was about to attack him again when he ran away,"Oh well.I was hoping that the fight would be longer,"I said as Sasuke and Sakura sweatdropped at me.My sycthe changed back into a necklace and I wore it back,"I'll go find Naruto.Be back in a sec,"I said walking lazily towards the direction he went.I found him on the floor.Tied up.I laughed to myself at how ridiculous he looks like but stopped soon.I carried him to the rest of team 7 and cut the ropes with my kunai.

We gather around,"If we're going to know who you really are ,we are going to need a password. Wh........"Sasuke got cut off but me saying,"What is Akari's favourite thing to do?Reading and training."  "No.When does a ninja strike?......."I zoned out after the question not caring. I thought of ways to prevent Orochimaru give Sasuke the curse mark."Did you get it?"Sasuke says snapping out of my thought,"Ughh can you repeat that again?"I asked as they sweatdropped at me and shook their heads."I memorised everything already,"Sakura said proudly.

"Good for you,"I said before the strong wind blew us apart from Naruto.Before Orochimaru arrives,I his my chakra and presence while crouching on top of a tree.I summoned my Sycthe/Gun and waited.Hmm I haven't name my weapons, my sycthe can be called hmm....... Red Rose and my Gun can be called Blue Ocean.I took Blue Ocean and aimed where Orochimaru will be at.When he arrived,I immediately shoot him with my Blue Ocean.The bullets was more faster and grazed him when he dodged.I kept my Blue Ocean and took my twin katana and charged at him swinging my swords at him.

"Your not going to get Sasuke,"I whispered to myself,Orochimaru heard and was shocked.He licked his lips and he attacked me pushing me back to where Sasuke and Sakura was at.Suddenly we were stuck in a Genjutsu.

~Start of Genjutsu~

3rd person pov:

 Akari was suddenly placed in a room.It was quiet,you could only here the gently snore that was coming from a little girl about the age of 5,sleeping on the bed.Then something moved quickly through the shadows making some noise.The little girl woke up to the sound of it."Mom?"a small voice called out as the little girl climbed out of bed and walked out of the room not making a single sound.She walked in front of a door,she turned the door knob quietly not wanting to disturb her mother sleeping.

She opened the door to see a unfamiliar figure standing above her mother holding a shiny,pointy object getting ready to strike her at the heart.Before the figure bring down the object,a piercing scream was heard and the figure's attention was set on the little girl.She saw a face of a man,he's eyes red with some comas.He decide to leave a witness before bringing down the knife,killing the mother.

The little girl cried as she mourn over her mother's death,wishing that her father had not gone to work overtime causing her to be at home alone with her mother.Just then the door opened to reveal her father,he looked at his wife and saw a figure near her.He grabbed her daughter amd ran.He ran outside and into an alley,"Whatever you do always know that I love you so does your mother.Come back a few days to the house take all our weapon and I mean ALL.Pack your clothes and some of our precious things so that you can remember us.Now go,Run!"Her father said urging her to escape while he distracting the figure.

The little girl ran but looked back to see him fighting back but in the end he's neck was cut.She climbed up a tree where no one knows where she is.She sobbed quietly as she remembered all the good memories she had with her parents.

The girl.Is.Akari.

~End of Genjutsu~

Akari felt a bit sad and realised that she was still in a Genjutsu,she shakily took out her kunai and stabbed her arm.She was released into reality and looked toward Sasuke and Sakura and saw Sasuke stab his leg.

Akari's Pov:

I carried Sasuke and Sakura before jumping while avoiding any attack from Orochimaru.I healed my would before continuing the battle.

A snake appeared behind us as I told them to keep quite silently.i sneaked behind the see name and sliced its head with my twin  katana spreading it's blood on me.I turned to them to see them looking shocked before grabbing them again and jumping before another snake attacked us.Once we landed on the ground, I slapped Sasuke as hard as I could,"YOUR NOT SASUKE! SASUKE DOES NOT JUST STAND THERE AND DO NOTHING!WAKE UP SASUKE,WE NEED YOU!"I screamed at him as he got into action and did hand signs for the fire ball jutsu.

The jutsu melted Orochimaru's disguise and Sasuke and Sakura looked at him in shock while I looked him in disgust.Soon Naruto came,then blah blah blah happened.Naruto's seal..........Orochimaru........ Sasuke..........Curse Mark...........Prevent was all I could think of when Orochimaru did something with Naruto's seal on his stomach.Then he did some handsigns before stretching his neck towards Sasuke.I fortunately got in front of Sasuke and stop Orochimaru from giving Sasuke the curse mark.I did it.But then I felt a stinging pain on my arm.I gasped in horror,instead of Sasuke getting the curse mark I got it.I grabbed team 7 with both my arms and ran as fast as I could the the cave.Once I got there,I set everyone down and I wrapped my arm with a bandage so none can see the curse mark.I felt myself slowly going unconcsious as soon I knew it my world has gone black.

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