Enter:Akari Mitsuki

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Name:Akari Mitsuki (light) (beautiful moon)


(Before)Blonde hair,reddish brown eyes and the outfit in the cover pic with converse shoes.
(After)Black long hair with blue and red highlights,bright blue eyes, wears a black cloak, the outfit in the media with knee-length combat boots.

Personality:likes to hides in the shadows and only appears when there is trouble or when the enemy is near,cold and mean at times but still is protective of her friends and family.

Dislikes:Orochimaru,Akatsuki, high heels,dresses, pink,fanboys and fangirls,people who thinks for themselves and attention

Likes:blue and red, weapons, reading,anime,singing fighting, drawing, dancing, musical instruments.

Weapon:Kunai,Shurikan, Scythe/gun,swords,twin katana

Magic:Requip,Time Arc and Link

Charas:MinT,Clover and Duff

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