Chapter 33

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Allison's POV

When I arrived my house, I opened the door then shockingly I saw Damien. Sitting on our couch with his feet on the table and my parents at his opposite.

"What are you doing here?" I asked glaring at him

"Honey, is that how you greet your husband?" Mom butt in smiling

I looked at them then Damien, he is smiling at me like an idiot. Augh! I grab Damien's arm then he stand. "Can I borrow him for a moment?"

"He is all yours, besides your mom and I are going to the mall for a date." Dad said then laughed while mom chuckled

I just nod then drag Damien to my room. When we are in my room, I closed the door. I look at him then found out that he is sitting on my bed.

"So why are you here?" I crossed my arms on my chest

"When you ran away I told the driver to drive me to your house because that is where you are going." he smirked at me

"Then I should have went to Luca so that you will not find me." I said sarcastically

He stood then yanked my wrist, "You wouldn't dare." he glared at me, his eyes are filled with anger and his grip on my wrist became tighter and it starts to hurt me

"Ouch Damien, Let go of me." I said while trying to take off his hand on my wrist

"I.WILL.NEVER.LET.YOU.GO. Got it?" he said then pulled me to a kiss

His kiss is hard and punishing, he tried to shove his tongue in my lips but I didn't give in but he tightened his grip on my wrist that caused me to wince and open my mouth to cry in pain so he took advantage of it.

Damien pushed me and pin me on the wall with his muscular body.  His kisses went down to my jaw and neck, oh gosh! I know where this is heading. I pushed him hard that causes him to back off but his grip still on my wrist.

"Stop. Just Stop." I said then removed  his grip and I am successful

I noticed that my wrist is red and his hand mark is there, my hand also looked pale because the blood didn't flow there when Damien was holding it tight. I sighed then gently rub my sore wrist, poor me.

"Look I'm sorry." he said

I cut him off, "Forget it." I said angrily then went out of my room

Sick Jerk!

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