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  • Dedicated to all my lovely readers, I love you <3

I want to dedicate this chapter to every single person who read this. To the ghost readers, and the people who write comments and/or vote and of course to all my lovely followers. I love you <3

Here come the tears...


Harry woke up in the middle of the night, not sure what woke him up. His nose was not working properly though and he was sniffling.

Louis was the first thing that came to his mind and he sat up. Louis was not there. Harry stared into space as his body started shaking. The shaking got worse and he let out a broken sob, tears spilling from his eyes. He whimpered and got up quietly. He didn't know what he was doing but he made his way to Louis' room with his phone in his hand to give him some light, not wanting to turn an actual light on. He almost stumbled over his own feet a few times but he was able to catch himself in time. Louis, Louis, Louis was filling his mind and maybe... maybe it was all just a bad dream and he was finally awake and Louis would be there, peacefully asleep.

When he came to Louis' bedroom, there was no Louis. Harry's vision was already blurry. Louis.. was he dead? Didn't he even get the chance to read Harry's emails? Didn't he know he loved him? Those thoughts had Harry breaking down on the floor of Louis' bedroom and crying bitterly. He took deep, shaky breaths and held onto his phone. He needed Louis, needed to call him. He wiped his tears away shakily and rubbed his eyes before he unlocked his phone. But before he got the chance to call Louis, he saw a text. His heart almost stopped beating as he read the words.

"I'll be home as soon as possible. I am so sorry. Take care, Haz. Louis xx"

Harry gulped. He was overwhelmed, his mind blank. He had hardly time to comprehend what he just read because just then, he heard the doorbell. It just had to be Louis. Who else would be there in the middle of the night? He scrambled up and almost ran to the door, tugging it open. Breathlessly and still a little shaky, he stared st the figure in front of him. "L-Louis?" Barely a whisper but loud enough for Louis to hear. "H-harry", he breathed out and pulled Harry into a tight hug. Harry was speechless but he felt so, so content in Louis' arms.

"I am so sorry, Haz. I'll explain everything. Just know one thing..." Louis paused for a second or two. "I love you. I knew you'd be something special since I first saw you and I knew you'd mean something more to me. I love you, Harry." It felt so good to say those words finally. "There are so many things that went wrong, and things to say but right now I only want to tell you this, no matter how stupid and weird this is. I love you. And I'll never stop."

SEQUEL: Out of Touch, Out of Love

Presumably coming out in 2014

[All Rights Reserved]

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