Chapter Twelve [Harry]

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Chapter Twelve [Harry]

Saturday, 11th February...

The next morning, I was still rather sad and mad and I just missed Louis. I wanted him back. Zayn and Niall were still there when I got up and Zayn told me Liam was on his way over here. Niall was still asleep after he obviously ate almost everything in my kitchen. I sighed and guessed Liam would bring some food with him. Not that I was hungry. I just ate because people wanted me to and because it was somehow necessary. Plus I was already watched enough. I didn't need everyone to worry more about me than they already did.

As predicted, Liam brought some food with him and forced me to eat something.

So I ate something and Liam told me they had invited some friends over. I didn't really look forward to that but I couldn't really tell Liam to call everyone again and tell them not to come over. It weren't that many anyway and my friends but still.

I went to watch some TV with Niall but there were only romantic comedies on and I just couldn't watch them. Niall suggested to watch horror movies instead but I just shook my head. I didn't want to watch horror movies. Not in general and definitely not when Louis wasn't around to hold me even though he teased me about it all the time. Niall complained so I told him to watch them alone or with Zayn and went back upstairs to sleep some more.

I didn't sleep though, just got onto the bed and stared at the ceiling until the Liam came upstairs and told me to come downstairs for lunch – after he asked me a thousand times if I was okay and how I was doing.

After lunch, that was mostly Nando's – because Niall wanted it, but Zayn said he had ordered pizza for later so it was alright for everyone – some guys came over. It was quite annoying because everyone gave me those looks. You know, those pitiful looks like when your dog died.
Of course they didn't know about my feelings towards Louis but everyone probably had their theories. At some point we got alcohol to drink even though it was like early afternoon.
So I had drunk a little until I excused myself and went upstairs to my laptop to write an email to Louis. That's what I did until Liam came in my room and wanted me to go back. He even wanted to get my laptop to look something up but I refused to give it to him. We went back downstairs and I chatted with a few people. But I was just kind of annoyed. I didn't want so many people at Louis' and my flat. Especially when Louis wasn't there.

The next few hours, I didn't drink much more than water. I didn't want to get wasted in front of everyone and Liam always kept an eye on me.

Sometime around eight someone borrowed my phone and I got all stressed out. I didn't like people using my things. So I got rather impatient when they wouldn't five it back immediately.

At around nine pm, I noticed Liam, who had watched me carefully all day, wasn't there anymore. I didn't really think something special about it, especially since he was back a few minutes later. We ate pizza and other food ordered by Zayn and Liam and our guests left around ten – along with Niall who went with his girlfriend. I wanted to drink more then but Liam took everything away from me so I ended up helping cleaning up.

Eventually, I found out Zayn and Niall had told Liam about my crush on Louis. He was alright with it too and I hadn't expected it any other way. He seemed to be more worried than the others though. Probably because Louis wasn't there and somehow Liam seemed to think that Louis was my brain and I wasn't trustworthy anymore now or something. It seemed like that. Maybe he was just scared I'd jump off the next bridge. I don't know. I went to bed around midnight and Liam and Zayn decided it would be the best to stay the night. Just in case.

Sorry, this is reaaaallly short.. Chapters should get longer. I'm just not so good at writing long chapters in first person.. But I think I can promise you longer chapters in the sequel (:

What do you think?


P.S: This chapter is dedicated to everyone NOT called Diana, because those girls already got a leaked song today :P

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