Email One

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Hey (: Please read this, won't take long.

You can actually send emails to those addresses (Harry's and Louis') and you'll get responses. I will pretend writing them and I'll explain more about that later on. So have fun! Don't be shy. They're not gonna bite you :P (yes I know the email addresses are ridiculous. the whole story is if you're not into it. I'm sorry)

Aaand this (rather short) "chapter" goes to one of my best friends (or should I say best friend? I dunno I have no clue :P) Marlene. Thanks for reading.

Love you xx

Email One

From: Harry Styles <>

To: Louis Tomlinson <>

Title: You still there?

5th February 2012 7:15pm

Dear Louis,

I have no clue how to get to you, so I'm trying it this way. Everyone's just confused and worried and no one has the slightest clue where you are, why you left and if you are okay.

There are so many questions. Just answer me one: Why?

Because maybe all the other questions get irrelevant as soon as I know the answer to this question.
I feel ridiculous because I don't even know if this account still exists and if it does if you'll read / be able to read it.

I hope you are though. And I hope you are okay. No matter why you left, the most important thing will always be that you are alright.

Lots of love,

Harry xx

You Still There? (Larry Stylinson) *editing*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ