Chapter Five [Louis]

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Chapter Five [Louis]

Tuesday 7th Feburary...

I spent the whole day before noon in my bed, not wanting to get up. I thought time would pass faster if I slept. I was just kind of afraid that at some point I wouldn't be able to just lay there and wait anymore.

At around noon though, my stomach got impatient and growled. I sighed and got up, getting something to eat. I didn't really care about how healthy I fed myself right now. That was probably why I had almost only fast food at my room besides popcorn, bags of crisps and other food – if you consider this as food – like that.

I turned the TV on, my laptop next to me so I would notice it if Harry wrote me another email and just stuffed unhealthy food in myself.

Not that I was hungry. Oh no. But I needed distraction. And I couldn't really go outside – or more I was afraid of going outside and getting noticed – so I had to stay inside my small room and find something to do there. Eating and watching shitty television things were just the easiest. Plus, it wasn't so likely to see things about Harry, the others or myself on TV compared to looking around on the internet.

When it got evening and I still didn't get an email from Harry, I got rather nervous, changing my position every few minutes, glancing over at my laptop every minute.

The more time passed, the more impatient I grew. At some point, I was even starting to get worried. I tried to calm myself down, thinking maybe Liam had taken Harry with him or they kind of distracted him or something.

I was always looking forward to those emails. They kind of kept me sane and alive when I couldn't be with Harry. They were kind of like a drug. I didn't have them for so long now, but I needed them already. It was ridiculous, really. I was ridiculous.

More time went by, but I didn't get tired of worrying. I didn't get tired at all. Now I really hated the fact that I was always awake and the only time you saw me tired was when I slept and someone woke me up.

I stuffed more food in myself and decided I would go out the next day and do some sports. I couldn't continue my life forever like that and I definitely didn't want to get all fat and ugly just because I ran away.

At around one in the morning, I finally got an email and I sighed in relief. Harry was most likely okay.

But the first words that came into my mind after I took a quick look at the email were Shit, Harry. How much did you drink?

Now, I really was worried. Why did he get that drunk? Of course, Harry had his phases. Sometimes he just went out and got shitfaced. But usually that wasn't without a good reason. And most of the time I was with him. There were two points when he got drunk. The first was when he was really drunk, but still was able to get things right. He would just run around with girls and maybe even leave with them. But as soon as he got completely drunk, he wouldn't leave my side and cling to me like his life depended on it. Usually I was just as drunk, but I definitely remembered it.

So why did Harry get that drunk? Did he go out alone? Probably not since Liam obviously took his laptop away. But why didn't they prevent him from getting that drunk? Why didn't they look after him? Liam always watched out for us and tried to keep us as sober as possible. Why not this time?

This made me kind of mad at them, but then again.. maybe they couldn't prevent it. I shouldn't blame them when I didn't exactly know what happened.

I switched my laptop off again and sighed, running a hand through my hair. At least Harry wrote something. That was enough for now. He would write me the next day again, right? I was sure he would. At least I tried to convince myself and go to sleep again. But I couldn't. Being lazy all day didn't exactly help anything to get me tired and I was all churned up inside.

Since I couldn't sleep and wanted to do some sports or something, I decided to go outside. It was probably late enough to not meet anyone there anyway and it wasn't too risky.

So that's why I went outside at like 2 in the morning, jogging around and doing some press-ups. At around 3 am, I returned back to my hotel room and took a shower. I figured I would be tired enough now so I went to bed and luckily fell asleep soon.

Thoughts? xx

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