chapter 10

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Be Jake ===>

You salvaged what you possibly could from the shipwreck. The crash set off most of your traps so your gonna be busy tonight and tomorrow.

" tsk that's another day Strider gets to run" you mumble dragging the salvage. You got back to the cave.

" John I'm back with cool stuff" you yelled out walking in. You found your cousin gone. Fear sparks in your heart as you ran out of the cave to stop.

" what if I'm gone someone gets on my land"! You thought to yourself.

You were starting to have a war inside your head if you should go to find john or stay inside where it's safe.

After a second you slowly back your way inside covering the entrance with a black sheet you found a few years back.

" Jaakkke~ " the imaginary Dirk appears laying on your make shift bed. This always happens if you were freaking out.

" come to beeed with me ~" Dirk said waving his hand to get your attention.

" go away your not real!" You said to him as you paced the room.

" yo Jake why don't you just give in and fuk em " a different version of you appeared.

" because! He isn't real! He is fake! Just like the real one!" You said turning away to be face to face with another Jake.

" he probably didn't do it dear have you ever asked "? Jake number 2 said .
" why would ey? He knows he craves Dirk to pound his sorry lil ass in to the ground. Just think about et he was 15en he was just grownen a dick he is 19 now just imagine the size now " Jake number 1 said. He clearly can't speak right.

" be nice to the boy he is confused!" Jake number 2 said.

" whyy? I wouldn't be shit i would kidnap em and keep em as my sex toy. Ooohh i wanna have em inside so bad. You know Jake you haven't stopped lovin the boi why don't you give in and let him use you like the doll you are" Jake number 1 said walking over to the imaginary dirk.

" you idiot stop hurting the boy! He is confused! And what if Dirk did actually use him!" Jake number 2 said.

" both of you shut up!" You said holding your head looking down.

" let em! Jake knows he is a pawn he is bein used! His whole life he had ben used! What's the difference! So what if he gets treated like shit! He is getting fucked sooo hard! He knows he is a doll in he was meant to be used! " Jake number 1 said grinding himself on Dirk.

" shut up" you said a bit louder as a pain started in your head.

" he is not! Jake follow your heart and trust your gut!" Jake number 2 said.

" no Jake just be a doll. Think about how good he can make you feel so what if he doesn't love you at least your gettin somethin" Jake number one said.

" shut UP" you said raising your voice.

" trust yourself Jake!" Number 2 said

" close yourself off and be trash" 1 said

" dirk may love you get his side of the story! " 2 said

" fuck his story he clearly doesn't love you but the dick good so stay" 1 said.

" I SAID SHUT UP!" You screamed hitting your head on the closest thing to you. The room feel silent.

You looked around for any clue for the 3 of them. Once you saw they were gone you put out the camp fire in your cave then moved to your bed. You wrap up in the thin cloth. You hugged you knees as you laid on the floor.

" what do I do?" You whimper ever so slightly.

Dirk. ===>

John came running into camp. He explained everything about Jake home his traps and his note book.

" so he hasn't seen the page " I asked looking at john who nods.

" well I need him to see it !!!" I said again jumping up.

Dave stopped me.
" dude go in there now you will get killed lets wait a bit" he said to me making me annoyed

" Dave.......what are not getting about 3 fucking days I don't have TIME" I yelled at him making John flinch.

" fine fine but when the sun comes up tomorrow" Dave said once more.

" he is right I know you like Jake but he is probably resetting his traps and you can't see in the dark. And the seeing monster's like in jakes book!" John said to the group. He did have a point.

" fucking fine but we are moving out at first dawn" I said putting out the fire.

" I know the pattern he takes to his cave" john added as I laid on the floor.

" good you will be in front" I said as I looked at the sky.

This planet was so much different then earth..... what was earth like again.... what color is the ocean? Green? No...brown? Both? Its been so long all I know is this 2 moon hunk of rock in space.

" don't worry Jake....I will find you and take you back even if I have to drag you back" I thought to myself.

" of course you will my love! I will always love you. I know you wouldn't leave me " the imaginary Jake said cuddling up to me. Oh what 9 years of seclusion can do to a person.

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