chapter 7

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Be Dave ===>
After John got the both of you down from the tree, he investigated his parachute.
He got a stick and a rock. He put the stick in the side of the opening, smashing the other end with the rock and popping the box open.
It showed a folded parachute that looked untouched.
"We could use this as a tarp or blanket." John said smiling.
"Why would we?" You asked helping him up as he held the parachute.
"We were clearly left here and I don't know the type of tree with the forest so yeah. We probably have been left here " John states starting to walk into the forest. As he walked, you started to hear something running.
" John come here. Now." you said walking over to him.
Something tackles you, making you cuss out loud. Along with the other person or thing.
You flew off the ground to grab your sword but there was a sword to your neck before you could move.
"That's not a smart thing to do..." the man said, a bit out of breath.
Your shades had fallen off so you were squinting at the man, hoping to get a look at him without him seeing your eyes.
"Those red eyes.... DAVE?" The man pulled the sword away to grab your face.
"Ow what the fuck? Get off me man! How the hell do you know my name?" You said pushing him off.
"It's me, Dirk. Your brother...? Wait ... Why are you here? Oh no... They took you too?" Dirk said panicked. Anger was building in the pit of your stomach.
"....Where ...the fuck WERE you?!" you screamed punching him in the face. Dirk didn't flinch or look like he was mad.
" I'll explain later. Right now, we need to go." He said grabbing your arm and starting to pull you away. You pulled your arm away from his grip.
"No. You're going to explain here and now." you said moving back beside John.
" Dave, I was running for a fucking reason. WE. NEED. TO. GO." Dirk said almost yelling. He glanced at John
" And you'll explain who this is when we get to a safe place." he added but an arrow shot past Dirk's face, cutting it as it hit the tree next to his head. Dirk turns around, looking at the trees. You look up to see a tan man that has green patterns all over his body. He wore ripped cargo shorts that were dirty. The man had a killer smirk on his face as he looked at Dirk.

"We need to leave now"  Dirk  growled  grabbing  your arm and John's  before darting   in an unknown  direction

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"We need to leave now" Dirk growled grabbing your arm and John's before darting in an unknown direction. You looked back at the man who looked shocked but he quickly left the treeline and was out of sight in seconds.
Dirk led you to a riverside before he stopped running. John sounded like he was about to die from his asthma.
"Explain. NOW" you yelled at him.
Dirk spun around
" You wanna know where I've been this whole time? TRY HERE ON THIS FUCKING PLANET, TRYING TO SURVIVE!" he yelled making you confused and angry
" WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN THIS PLANET? " you yelled back at him.
"YEAH RIGHT! THEN WERE ARE WE?" you screamed back.
" um....actually Dave... He might be right.... this place has...3 moons....a red one...and two blue..... it would explain why the trees are not like earth trees." John said a bit winded.
" .....HOW THE FUCK DID WE GET HERE? WHY ARE WE HERE?" You yelled at Dirk.
Dirk took a deep breath to calm himself down. "This is a game. It's a real life game of survival of the fittest. There are killer bugs here that trap you during the day. They can't see but they can hear really well. The night bugs can't hear but they can see really really well. When I came here, I was thrown out of something and woke up in freefall. Whoever kidnapped us put us here to watch us I guess." Dirk said making you sit down.
"Why you me and John?" You asked
"Well they watch people, see their skill, and then pick them... I guess me and you because of our skills of blade and speed.... Seeing the broken parachute on the boys back means he wasn't picked. He was an extra. They were after you. That means the boy was with you when they kidnapped him. How did you survive the fall? Who are you" Dirk said now turning his attention to John.
John looked up a bit scared at this situation
" um...I'm John. Nice to meet you... I um survived the fall because Dave helped me..." John said looking down.
"Why would you save him? He's useless! Do you even know him?" Dirk looked annoyed at you.
"If you fucking ever say that again about my boyfriend I will fucking kill you." you growled at him, making Dirk realize.
"Oh.... I'm sorry... I didn't mean it like that. I meant it like in a survival way." Dirk tried to save himself but it didn't work.
You just scoffed sitting down next to John pulling him into a hug to calm him down.
You could tell he was freaking out by his breathing.
"Calm down. It's okay. We'll be okay..." you said patting him.
"Who was that man in the trees?" You asked Dirk.
" Jake... Jake English. ...We were uh... Partners for a few years before I almost got him killed and...."Dirk stopped.
"And what? I want the whole story." you told him. Dirk sighed.
".... Jake saved me about a month after I got here and we were a team until I was about 15. I had feelings for him and he had them back. I was reckless and kept almost getting him killed..... The people drop loot crates with different things in them; clothing, first aid, food, alcohol... We got one....we got drunk... and feeling came out and well... We had sex and in my drunk mind, I thought leaving him to be on his own was a good idea because the way I saw it, if he was with me, he would be dead by now. He was strong and I knew he could survive on his own.... I left him a note explaining it all but i guess he took it as I cheated him and used him.... Now he made it his personal vendetta to kill me..." He finished making you slow clap.
" Woooow. You're fucking smart. So, he uses a bow and arrow? " you asked. Dirk nods.
"Yes and twin pistols. Since guns are loud, he made a bow and arrow to use during the day; so no bugs would hear him." he said.
" Why can't you just hide?" You asked him petting John who happened to fall asleep.
"In the crate we found, there was an egg... That egg hatched after I was there and it turned out to be this dog type thing. It doesn't have good eyes but its hearing and sense of smell are off the charts. It has 7 horns -- looonngg horns -- that stick out its face as weapons. It has a shit ton of teeth and it's fast. When he loses my tracks, he sends the dog out to find me." Dirk said making you get annoyed.
"Great. Piss off the deadly person. You ass..." you mumbled petting John.

Be Jake ===>
You watched Dirk and the other two from a tree. Dirk and the blond boy looked similar. Dave was his name. Where have you heard that name before? Then it clicks. Dave was Dirk's younger brother. You grit your teeth getting down from the tree to run back to your hidden place. Who was that person with them? You didn't know, but he looked familiar and you were going to save him from the evil Strider brothers if it was the last thing you did.
"You will not trick any more people." you mumbled throwing your bow on the floor. "I won't let you..."

Be John ===>
You pretended to fall asleep so Dave and Dirk would talk more freely, thinking you were asleep. They said the man from before was Jake English. This made you worry because your cousin that was supposed to come to live with as a kid before he disappeared was Jake English. You listen to them catch up on things until it was time to sleep. Dirk just kind fell back on the floor to sleep as Dave held you to himself as he slept. When you open your eyes it was dark out. You pushed off Dave very slowly, hoping not to wake him. Thankfully, you didn't. You get up and walk off to where you ran into Jake and Dirk for the first time.
"...Jake?...are you here?" You called out looking around. Something grabbed you from behind, covering your mouth. You let out a scream, only to have it muffled. The person tied your hands up and threw you over his shoulder. You laid limp, memorizing the path he took.
You soon found yourself being thrown to the floor as Jake sat in front of you.
" ....Jake English? " you asked quietly.
Jake raised a brow
"Did Dirk tell you my name?" Jake asked making you nod.
"Also... It's me... John Egbert. The cousin who you were meant to be sent to as a kid." You said making Jake look shocked again. Almost in seconds you were in a hug, and a tight one at that. He smelled oddly good for having been here for so long.

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