chapter 4

708 44 4

Be dirk = = = >
( sorry loves but the beginning will have so many time skips )

~4 years later ~

I was about 15 now and Jake was 14. We've grown so used to this world that we find going out and almost getting killed part of our daily lives. Jake was really smart and let's not forget a sharp shooter. He's saved my ass too many times for me to keep track of... He's always asked me to cut the heads off of as many monsters as I could and bring them back to him. I only brought him the things we named Stalkers; the ones with the creepyass, no-eyed faces and mantis-like bladed arms. They were the only monster on this planet that I was used to and I could even kill them on my own now. Once you get used to this game its kinda, well... Old.

"Hey, Jake... Did you have any family where you came from?" I asked, throwing a rock into the air and catching it over and over again. "Yes and no..." Jake sighed. "My grandmother taught me how to survive in the woods and how to shoot, but one night she went to sleep and never woke up, so... Well, I knew I was alone then, but it didn't stop me. I made a good living for myself -- growing up alone, hunting what I could... I studied whatever I could get my hands on... I had a cousin that I was supposed to go to when she passed on, but, well... You see how that turned out." He said softly as he moved the semi dead Stalker to the other side of the cave. "How about you, Dirk?" He asked. I stop throwing the rock " I had a lil bro... He was about 6 or 7 years old when I last saw him. We're 3 years apart... I was the adult of the house we had, and our parents... Well, they aren't around but the simple fact is I don't know if he's still alive or not... I taught him a little swordplay, so I know he can defend himself." I said, slowly getting a weird feeling in my chest but shaking it away. "...HEY! I have an idea!" Jake said, trying to lighten the mood. "On my hunt run, I found this big cave like place with a blind creature! It was protecting a chest. It might have some good supplies in it..." He added coming over. "Do we really need anymore?" I asked hesitantly as I looked around. Our cave was filled with stuff. We got rid of most of J's things but kept the make shift chairs out of sticks but we have lots of food stacked up from food drops that happen randomly and a good amount of ammo that is sometimes dropped with the food.
"Really, Dirk? We need medical supplies! What if I or you get hurt again?" He said with an annoyed sigh. The reason he put himself in front of me was because I can be extremely reckless in a fight and, because of me, Jake has had to many close to death experiences. I mean, I save him but I'd usually gotten him into the mess in the first place. "Yeah, good point... Alright, fine." I sighed as he got a big smile on his face " Thaannkk yoouu!" Jake said in a giggle coming over to me to tackle me into a hug. I just let him do his hugs. If I don't, he gets grumpy. I was waiting for the hug to be over when he kissed my cheek before jumping up. "LETS GOOOO!!!" He said, grabbing his twin pistols and then running out of the cave. I sat there with a dumbfounded look and a bit of a blush. I snapped out of whatever trance I was in, jumping up getting my sword before running out after him. "JAKE, WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!" I yelled after him, not caring about the possibility of getting attention of the other monsters who may or may not be out here. Jake just kept running. From the side I was on, it looked like he was blushing like mad. He soon came to a stop at the foot of a cave. I came running behind, catching up to Jake, but before I could speak Jake pointed to the cave in front of us. I had no choice but to go quiet. Jake pulled me to the side and whispered really low. "Okay... So, you will throw rocks to the left side, understand me? I will get the trunk. Do your best to distract it without being seen." He said, then was off. He went to the right of the cave opening, slowly waiting for me to do my part."Well... Here it goes..." I thought as I picked up a rock close to my foot and threw it at the wall to the left. I waited for a bit before getting a bit annoyed. I was about to throw another until I heard a weird, creepy sound from the deep inside cave. It was like a gargling whale. I heard the movement coming close. Soon enough, a big cross-breed of a dung beetle and a crab slowly emerged from the cave, going to investigate the sound I'd made. With that, Jake, silent as ever. snuck into the cave and grabbed the trunk. To give him more time, I threw another rock to a tree, letting the monster follow it. Jake soon cleared the cave with the trunk. I was really happy; so happy that I forgot my surroundings... "Yes!" I cheered as I put my hands in the air, almost instantly wishing that I hadn't. The bug looked dead at me, its mouth dripping with what I only hoped was drool. " Fuck..." I groaned in defeat, letting my arms slowly fall back to my sides. The big bug spit some orange stuff at me as it did the gargling whale noise. Jake ran from the side and tackled me out of the way of its orange liquid. The bug slowly crawled back into its cave, watching us. I flew up to see what had happened. The place where I was standing before I was tackled was
now slowly dissolving away. I let out a gasp to see Jake with his shoulder steaming. With that, I ripped off his shirt to see that his skin was badly burned. "I'm... Okay! My shirt and jacket took most of it... " Jake winced as he slowly stood up. " No, you're not! This is really bad, Jake... We need to fix it, now!" I said in a serious tone.

~ lil skip like maybe an hour~

I had brought Jake and the trunk back to the cave where I set Jake up on my makeshift bed. I went to go get him some water from the waterfall close by. We made one of the Stalkers' skulls into a big bowl for this type of stuff. Now I was currently walking into the small hidden opening to our cave where Jake was groaning in pain. I walked over to him fast as I got a rag we'd made from one of J's clothing to dip in the water. " Dirk...?" Jake asked, slowly going to turn over to look at me but I stopped him. " Yes, calm down." I said softly, slowly putting the cold water rag on his shoulder. He winced in pain making a small whimper leave his cute lips. I leaned over and kissed his head softly. Jake calms down a bit as I sat up. He went back to a light sleep, every once in awhile letting out a whimper. I sat there watching him, guilty for causing this. "Damn it, Dirk... You always fuck up!" I mumbled to myself as I walked over to the trunk. I didn't care for anything right now, so the little lock on the trunk was hit off by my blade. The trunk pops open to what I find inside. There was a 24 set water case inside some instant noodle cups, cans of soup, a few gun rounds, 3 bottles of booze and this....egg? I looked at the box confusedly before I picked up the ostrich egg sized egg and began looking it over. "Maybe... A big omelette...?" I mumble putting it back and taking a bottle of the alcohol. I walked over to Jake, setting it down walking over to him slowly "Hey, Jake... We have some alcohol now. We can like put it on your wound!" I said holding the bottle up. Jake just scowled at me before grabbing the bottle from me with his one good arm, opening, and it chugging over half of it down before taking a breath. "....uuuuhhhhh" was all that left my mouth. "Medical treatment... " Jake mumbled to himself before laying back down and relaxing.

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