Chapter 10- Fifteen Years Later...

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"Arigato Hyakuya-senpai!"

"See you guys on Monday! Don't forget to finish your revision for the 'What You Want To Be When You Grow Up' essay!"

"Yes, Hyakuya-senpai!"

After cleaning up after his students and finishing a bit of grading, Yuichiro finally went home.

It had been fifteen years since his beloved Mikaela left him. Because of the blonde, Yuichiro studied to become a middle school teacher, since the teenagers reminded him of his lover. His subject was Language Arts, which was also inspired by Mikaela, who always had a thing for writing.

The jet black-haired teacher remained single, because he didn't want to 'stain' his love for his childhood lover. He turned down many confessions, his only reason was because he heart was already 'taken'. Yuu did not once doubt what he was doing was wrong. He continued to remain faithful to his promise, even though it was over a decade old.

Yuichiro stared at Mika's letter as he took off his shoes. He had framed that writing on his front door, so he could read it and remember why he was working so hard to manage a single life.

"Mika... Mika... Mika..." Yuichiro mumbled to himself as he made a cup of coffee, since he had to pull another all-nighter. "I wonder if you're still keeping up your side of the promise."

Yuu sat down on the couch and pulled out a few papers that he still needed to grade. But those few papers were just the beginning of the huge stacks of paper he'd been procrastinating on. 

"Favorite Childhood Memories..." Yuu read aloud, constantly clicking his pen. "The History of Angels and Vampires... Orphans..."

How come all of my topics I assign somehow relate to Mika? Yuu thought, getting a bit creeped out by himself. Why am I so obsessed with him?!?

It was only recently that Yuu has been falling behind on his grading and teaching. It was also recently that Yuu began assigning essays for his students to write. It was because of the essay topics that distracted Yuichiro. Since all of the topics related to Mika, it caused him to daydream about the blonde.

Frustratingly, Yuichiro slammed the papers on the coffee table, took his coffee and went to the fridge to get his mind off the blonde. Yuu didn't want to admit it, but Mikaela was distracting him, and instead of helping him, Mika was hurting him.

About an hour later, Yuichiro was able to finish those few papers that he promised his students he would finish on Monday. 

"Finally I can relax now,"  Yuichiro murmured, sipping his coffee, although the huge stack of papers were practically calling his name. "Whatever. I have the weekend. And even if I can't finish by then, I'll tell them to expect it by Friday."

Ignoring the stack of papers that were piling up by the moment, Yuu proceeded to think about his childhood best friend.

"You know..." Yuichiro stared the framed letter. "If I just woke up earlier... God, I swear I'm the most pathetic person alive! I didn't even ask where he was going to live! Now I don't know anything!"

"You can't keep on holding to him forever," His teacher friend, Shinoa, told him. "You need to move on!"

It also creeped Yuichiro out that she had the same look and name as the spirit that visited him when he was young. He didn't ask the purple-haired haired girl why, but he was still slightly suspicious. 

"Shinoa is right," Yoichi, another teacher friend of Yuichiro's, agreed. "Your 'precious' Mika is only a childhood memory. What are the chances that he'd come back?"

"Whatever. I'm not believing one word that comes out of their mouths," Yuichiro rolled his eyes and continued to sip his coffee. 

But those two had a point. Yuichiro was 26, and he couldn't live his whole life in the past.

"I'll think about this later," Yuichiro decided, taking an ungraded paper. "I'll get a head start on grading these."

He didn't get very far when he heard a knock on the door.

"Shinoa's early." Yuu sighed, placing his second cup of coffee and his in-progress grading papers aside. "Like an hour early. That almost never happens."

Yuichiro had invited Shinoa over so they could talk about how to prepare their students for their final exams. Their last talk, which was a few months ago, gave Yuichiro the idea to start assigning essays, but that was catastrophic for his mental health. 

"What is it?" Yuichiro asked, answering the door.


Yuu looked up. To his surprise, standing in front of him, was the love of his life.


Angels & Vampires (MikaYuu AU)Where stories live. Discover now