Chapter 4- Dream

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"Ah, where am I?"



"Yuu-san, over here!"

Yuichiro looked towards the direction of the voice. Standing, quite a distance away from him, was Akane...

Expect it wasn't Akane. She had purple hair, almost like the girl in Yuichiro's dream from a few days ago.

"Akane?" Yuu mumbled, quickly walking towards the girl.

"Akane?" The girl laughed, her voice was definitely different from Akane. "I'm not Akane. My name is Shinoa."


The girl nodded, playfully.

"You remind me of-"

"Akane. I know. The human brain can't just picture a face in a dream they've never seen before in real life. They have to have seen a face before in order to create that face."


Shinoa laughed. "Nevermind. My name is Shinoa, not Akane."

"I know."

"I just wanted to make sure you knew..."

"You said something about faces in dreams," Yuichiro recalled. "Are you saying I'm in a dream?"

"Of course. It's not everyday you meet somebody with purple hair," Shinoa patted her hair, which was tied up with a red bow. "But I'm not exactly human, either."

"Then what are you?"

"Eh, just a spirit. I've just come to visit you."


"I'm bored. What do you think you get to do when you die? You get to reincarnate and start a new life? Not everybody is that lucky," Shinoa shrugged. "I guess when you sin too much, you're no longer qualified to get to own a new body."


"You don't talk much, yet you somehow asks so many questions," Shinoa remarked.

"Well, it's not everyday I get visited by a spirit."

"That's true," The girl skipped towards Yuichiro. "Say, there's somebody in your head."

"I-It's you," Yuichiro mumbled, as Shinoa ruffled his hair.

"No, I didn't mean literally. I meant somebody you think about, a lot."

Yuu felt it was okay to tell Shinoa how he felt for the blonde. It was a dream, after all. For some reason, Yuu already had developed a strong feeling towards the purple-haired girl.

"There's this boy..."

"Oh, a boy you say?"


"You love a boy?"

"Well, he's always been there for me, so I don't see why I don't love him."

"That's unusual," Shinoa giggled. "For the many years I lived, I've never met a guy that liked a guy!"

Yuichiro blushed, uncomfortably.

"Are you sure it's love?"

"I want to kiss him, I want to protect him. If I have to, I will sacrifice my life for him. He's my world, my everything. Isn't that love?"

"You're 12, what do you know?" 


"You're only twelve, not even thirteen."

"So? Why do people keep saying  I don't know how I'm feeling? I know I love him, I want to marry him."

Shinoa sighed. "Give it a few years."


"I really hate mentioning this, but your parents..." Shinoa mumbled. "There's a male, and female right?"

Yuichiro cringed at the memory of his parents. "Yes, male and female."

"It's suppose to be like that. Not male and male, not female and female."


"Because! We were made that way! I can't tell you thoroughly, because you're too young."

"I know where babies come from..."

"You're too young!" Shinoa exclaimed. "When did you know about it?"

"Since I was ten. I read a book about it."

Shinoa shook her head. "No wonder you like guys..."

"That's not it!" Yuichiro protested. "That's not why I like him! I love him because he's there for me, because of his personality, because of his kindness! No because of what's on his crotch."

"I still say you're too young to be thinking about...this..." Shinoa sighed. "Don't you like girls? They're pretty."

Yuichiro shrugged. "They're complicated."

Shinoa turned Yuichiro towards her and lifted his chin. She proceeded to planting a soft kiss on Yuichiro's lips, causing Yuichiro's stomach to flutter. It shocked both Shinoa, since she could access Yuu's feelings, and Yuu himself, since that feeling was the exactly same feeling Yuu got when he was around Mika.

"Well," Shinoa couldn't believe it. "Who's this boy you think so fondly of?"

"Mika. Mikaela Shindo Hyakuya."

"Pretty name."

"He also has a pretty face."

"You know," Shinoa leaned closer to Yuichiro. "You're an interesting boy. I hope I get to know you more."

"T-Thanks..." Yuu babbled.

Yuichiro felt a bit guilty for now having feelings for Shinoa. He wished he could be faithful, but there was something so appealing and charming about the purple-haired girl.

"Hey, Yuu-san?"


"Do you like me? Like, love love me?"

"I don't know...I just met you."

"You've heard of 'love at first sight', right?"

Yuichiro nodded.

"It's also known as puppy love," Shinoa explained. "It's a childish affection for someone. You have that kind of love for me and Mikaela."

"Except I want to be with Mika forever."

"That's what you think now, but in the future, you'll think differently."

"No I won't."

"Yes you will." And with that, Shinoa kissed Yuichiro once more and dispersed. Then, Yuu woke up, panting.

He looked around the room. It was still pitched black out, and he could barely see what was in front of him. He looked down at Mika, who was still fast asleep.

What was that dream trying to tell me? Yuichiro thought to himself, peering at the blonde. That I can't love a guy? So what if it's not normal? I know I love Mika but...

I guess Shinoa has a point. I might change my mind in the future. Then again, I've barely met any girls my age, besides Akane. Maybe I'm just not ready for love, or whatever.

Yuu sighed and tried to go back to sleep again. He wished he knew whether or not he actually loved Mikaela. He was the only one Yuu had feelings for. But then again, he also had feelings for Shinoa.

Maybe all of this was puppy love after all?


...Ayyy, Sakuri again. So just to let you all know, Yuichiro, in the end, does decide that he still truly loves Mikaela, and he will remain gay. And notice how most of this Chapter is a dream.

Oh, and if you're wondering why I put Shinoa instead of Asuramaru, it's because I have other plans for that demon (not exactly in this book but...)

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