Chapter 5- Sticks and Bones

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After that night, Shinoa visited Yuichiro in his dreams every night. He felt so guilty of wanting to sleep in early, just so he could spend some more time with the spirit. Yuu actually really wanted to spend more time with Mika instead, but the blonde was always busy.

"Hey, Mika," Yuichiro nudged the blonde, trying to wake him up. "How come you're so sleepy today?"

Mikaela yawned and woke up. "I don't know... the Angels and Vampires game is stressful... Carry me, Yuu-chan."

Yuichiro blushed as he bent down so Mikaela could get on his back. He grunted as he got up, and piggybacked the blonde to the dining room.

"Yuu-chan! Mika-chan!" Ako and Kouta greeted, as the two finally got to the table. Yuichiro smiled at Ako and Kouta, while Mikaela groaned sleepily at them.

"Is Mika-chan sick?" Akane asked, worriedly.

"Just tired," Yuu carefully placed Mika on his chair, and sat next to him. "The Angels and Vampires game is making him sleepy,"

"You know," Akane admitted. "I find the Angels and Vampires game a bit old. We've been playing it for about a week now."

"We can fight each other with weapons, like the vampires and Moon Demon Company!" Chihiro suggested. "There was a big storm a few days ago, so there's some branches outside!"

All of the orphans, excusing Mika, nodded excitedly.

Everybody ate breakfast extremely quickly, all eager to play this new version of Angels and Vampires. Of course, Akane went over the rules over and over again, stating that today was just a practice day, so everybody would get used to the stick weapons, and wouldn't accidentally hurt one another. 

"Remember, find a partner, and practice for today," Akane reminded, as she herded everybody outside. 

Mikaela was now wide awake, as he marched playfully in front of the group, with Yuu following behind him, as if he were an admirer. But in a way, Yuu wasn't any different.

"I'll be Yuu-chan's partner!" Mika declared, as everybody snickered profusely. "Hey... what's so funny?"

"You and Yuu-chan hang out together so much that it seems as if you guys love each other," Fumie giggled.

Both Mika and Yuu blushed. "Then again, I wouldn't want Yuu-chan to not love me..." Mika admitted.

"What?" Yuichiro asked, his heart fluttering.

"N-No, nothing." Mika smiled, as he picked up a good, sturdy stick. "Now, on guard?"

Yuu smiled at his friend as he picked up a two-pointed stick and pointed it at the blonde.

The two were both a bit afraid of making a move, as they circled each other. Mika realized that Yuu wasn't going to make the first move, so he decided to launch himself at the jet-black haired boy. 

Of course, Yuichiro dodged, and Mika was able to regain his balance fast enough to dodge Yuu's attack. However, when Yuu went in for yet another attack, Mika tripped and fell, causing Yuu to accidentally fall on top of him and stabbing Mika with his two-pointed stick.

Of course, Yuu was stunned when he saw that he hurt Mikaela.

"M-Mika?" Yuu whispered, quickly throwing away his stick. "Did I hurt you?"

"Nah, nah," Mikaela chuckled painfully, clutching his stomach as he got up. "I guess I was a bit surprised at your sudden move..."

"A-Are you h-hurt?" Yuu stuttered, his eyes now clouded in fear, "Should I call the caretakers? Do y-"

"I'm fine," Mika stated sternly, shutting Yuu up. "You honestly worry too much about my well being."

Yuu sighed. "Then at least tell me if your stomach is okay?"

"I guess I feel like it's been punctured, but other than that, I'll live."

"You're being brave, Mika..." Yuu sighed. He still felt extremely bad for harming his best friend.

"I'm f-" Mikaela insisted, although the stomach pain caused him to be unable to finish the sentence.

Mika, after wincing at the sharp pain, look at Yuu and smiled. He inched towards to the jet-black haired boy, trying to be close to him.

Yuichiro's fingers began to tingle. He couldn't control his sudden urge to hug the blonde. Yuu was slightly ashamed of his actions, upset that he couldn't control himself.  Mika, on the other hand, was anything but grossed out.

"Yuu-chan..." Mikaela mumbled, returning the embrace.

After an awkward while in that comfortable position, the two finally let go of each other. Although, Mika held a firm grip on Yuichiro's hand.

"Hey, Yuu-chan?" Mikaela suggested. "Can we stay like this... for a little bit more?"

Yuu grinned and nodded eagerly.

Instead of fighting, the two watched the other orphans skillfully attack each other. Every time one of the orphans hit their partner with their stick weapon, Yuu would wince, remembering that he hurt Mika not so long ago.

Mika would then lay his head on Yuu's shoulder, comforting him and telling him everything was okay.  Not once did their hands separate.

Maybe... no... I'm positive I love Mika more than Sh-Shinoa, Yuu thought to himself. The feeling Mika gives me whenever I'm around him is a bit troubling, but yet spectacular. 

"Kids! It's time to come in!" The caretaker announced, as the sun began to set.

All of the orphans scrambled to get to the door, expect Mika and Yuu, who took their sweet time holding each other's hands.



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