Chapter 55

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~~Chapter 55~~

As I opened my eyes, I felt an agonizing pain in my head and throat.

Did someone knock me out?

I observed my surroundings; I was in a small closet tied to a chair. My hands were behind me, and I had a cloth sticking in my mouth so I couldn't speak. I tried to yell, but it was muffled.

An hour later, the door opened, and I flinched. It was the man named Grosti, the guy Zach knocked out.

"Hello, sweetheart." He said, sounding creepy. A tear rolled down my cheek, afraid of what he was going to do. He walked inside, then shut the door behind him.

"I think it's time we send Zach a little message, don't you think?" He asked, pulling out a camera and setting it on a shelf, facing us.

"Now just be silent and let me do all the talking." Grosti said. I nodded, afraid of what he would do to me. He clicked the record button, then began to speak.

"Hello Zach, it's me again. And who's this again? Oh right, Destiny!" He laughed.

"Anyway, I've decided to hold this beloved girl of yours. Let's make a deal: How about you bring me the money, and I'll let this precious girl go." He told the camera.

"But if you don't," I heard a click, and felt something being pressed to the side of my head. It was a gun.

"I'll blow her brains out." I cried even harder, letting more tears run down my cheeks.

"We're at the abandoned farmhouse on the outskirts of the city. Come alone. If you even think about bringing backup, I'll shoot her before you even get through the door. You have until noon." With that, Grosti pressed stop on the camera.

"Well he should probably be getting here in an hour or two. I sent him a live video to his headquarters."

I stayed silent, terrified. Grosti turned to me.

"Well you better get some sleep. You want to be well rested today." He said, walking to the door. Right before I thought he was going to leave, he turned around and hit me as hard as he could with the end of the gun.

All I saw after that was black.



Thanks for reading! :)

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