Chapter 29: Through a Glass Darkly

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Chapter 29: Through a Glass Darkly


Lydia was surprised when Beatrice shared polite conversation with her, especially after her cold disposition towards her before. That did not mean that she would be open with Lydia about Lucy, so she knew that she would have to pry, which she did not mind doing. She knew how to get the answers she wanted out of people, it was all about asking the right questions. Her father often told her that, and she found that she was quite good at it.

"Lucy was always the one to take initiative," Lydia joked as the two women shared tea in the drawing room. "It is not that I did not care to take care of father's affairs, only that I would just not be any good at it. Why, papers and book keeping? I would hardly know where to start! Lucy was always the smart one, the wise and organized one. But now that I see how long it is taking my sister to do it, and I want to help her."

Beatrice looked at her blankly and shrugged. "I hardly noticed her struggling with the organization. She took care of it quite well. I am sure that she will be home soon."

"Oh, I don't doubt it," Lydia assured her. "In fact, I expect her to return even sooner, given your confidence that she should do so."

Beatrice wasn't perturbed by Lydia's probing tone. "Being home did good for her, it would seem. I shouldn't expect her back for a while."

"But you just said that she should be home soon," Lydia raised a quizzical eyebrow. "Forgive me, Beatrice, I don't mean to imply anything, but it sure seems as though you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about."

"Excuse me?"

"Pardon, I meant to say that you are lying."

"I will not be accused of—"

"Beatrice, please," Lydia lifted a hand. "I am the daughter of a Magistrate, and I do not accuse, that is highly inappropriate. I merely state facts from what I observe."

Beatrice scoffed. "I think it's time you left, Lydia. You've quite overstayed your welcome."

"Have I?" Lydia asked. "Or am I just asking the right questions?"

Beatrice said nothing, but Lydia noticed her clutching her skirts so hard her knuckles were turning white.

"What happened in Lanfore, Beatrice?" Lydia asked. "What's keeping my sister there?"

Beatrice looked up at Lydia and her eyes were glazed over, as though she was fighting a bloody war to hold back tears. "You should go."

She stood and curtsied clumsily, rushing out of the drawing room and leaving Lydia sitting there, utterly puzzled.

That answered more questions than I thought it would.

It was clear to her now more than ever that all was not well and, with God as her witness, Lydia was going to find out what was going on.


Belmoran Island

Lucy and Ross made it back to the port in record time. The area was clear now and the sun was out, it was as if the debacle that had occurred earlier had been nothing but a dream, or a figment of Lucy's imagination. 

Ross swung off the horse and helped Lucy off as well just in time for John to come rushing up to them, a perfectly peeved look on his face.

"Good lord, there you are!" He embraced her quickly. "Where were you? Eliza, Leila and I have been looking you for everywhere!"

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