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song of the day:
The One - Tamar Braxton💜

I woke up feeling well rested. After last night...I didn't know what to think. Yeah, I know. We didn't have sex. But we did do other things....so does this make us official or not?
I pulled my phone off of its charger & read the time - "11:56 am"
Dang, it's almost noon. I must have been really tired. 😩
I got up feeling surprised & impressed with myself that I could actually walk to the bathroom. I pulled down my panties & released, screeching in pain while my whole bikini area burned as my fluids let out.
"I must've spoken too soon." I thought to myself. I looked up & saw Chres standing I'm the doorway. I quickly covered myself.
"What are you doing??" I asked him confused. "I heard you scream...but I think I know the reason why now." He replied smirking. I rolled my eyes at him.
"I wore you out, didn't I?" 😂
"Something like that.....this is kinda awkward though. Can we talk after I finish using the bathroom?"
He nodded & walked out leaving me there in pain. The morning after is always the worst....


I was downstairs eating the waffles & sausage that I made while waiting for Krys to come downstairs...On some real, I really wanted to do more with her last night...but I wanted her to be mine first. Not that it would make any difference, I just wanted her more now that we shared that moment.

She came downstairs fluffing her wavy curls away. She had on a big Toronto T-shirt & her house moccasins.
"Good afternoon." She said smiling & curling up next to me on the couch.
I slid my arms around her smoothly & looked down at her.
"Did you sleep good?" I asked her smirking. She looked over at me & hit my chest.
"Don't try to play me Chres.....but if you must know, yes. I slept very good."
I chuckled. "Thanks to me. I enjoyed kissing your lips by the way." I leaned down towards her face for a kiss but she gently swatted me away.
"I bet you did, but you won't be getting one again any time soon." She got up & walked into the kitchen.
"And why not???" I asked following her.
"Because you're not my boyfriend yet....and boyfriend's get kisses."
She smirked at me as she drunk her OJ.
A lightbulb went off in my head.💡
She said I wasn't her boyfriend "yet."
Which means that she wants me to be in the near future? Right?
I wanted to do something special for her tonight, that would maybe convince her more that I was boyfriend material.
"Krys, I gotta go...I just remembered that I had to do something." I lied while walking past her. She nodded at me & pulled out her phone.


Roc left me at the house & went out to "run some errands." He told me to be ready by the time he got back & he said that it would be around like 7 ish. So I had plenty of time.
I had to dress nice for wherever we were going, so I pulled out my high low peach dress with gold studs at the top.
I also took out my gold 6-inch pumps that my mom bought me my senior year in high school. I took out my Bella Terra makeup sticks & my shiny pink makeup bag. All of my perfumes & extra things I needed (lashes,lotion,razors) were sitting on my dresser.
I had everything set out, so I decided to start getting ready around 5:45.
It was 3:09, so I had about 2 hours left to get ready.
I think he's taking me out on a date.😍💕

Chresanto's POV

After I left the house, I started driving west towards the suit shop that I always go to. I needed a new suit for tonight. I wanted to surprise Krystal with a romantic date....and if I wasn't nervous, I was thinking about asking her to be my girlfriend.☺
My uncle owned the suit shop, and he was standing outside when I pulled up into the shop's parking lot.
"Hey unc." I said giving him dap.
He smiled at me as he sat down his drink. "Hey nephew, you look sharp." He said referring to my outfit. I had on a simple white polo with my khaki cargos & my brown sperry's. I guess I can make anything look good.
"Thanks, you know how I do." I replied smiling. "I need a new suit for tonight though."
He let me in & I sat down by his desk.
"You gotta date tonight?"
"Yeah." I replied smiling.
"I swear boy, you have a new girlfriend every time I see you...and that's a lot."
I chuckled. "She's not my girlfriend yet....but I want her to be. I really really do like her."
I pulled out my phone & showed him the of me & her when we went out to get snow cones. "This is her, her names Krystal."
He furrowed his eyebrows at my phone as I scrolled through the pictures.
"Wait, that's Trish's daughter isn't it? Y'all used to get on each other's nerves all the time."
I laughed. "I know....I know, coincidence I guess?"
After we finished our chat, he showed me a few suits & I picked out the one I liked the best. He tailored me & in no time I was out again. I took out my phone & called The Cheesecake Factory, I overheard Krystal saying that it was her favorite restaurant. I made reservations for 8:00. I went & got myself some ice cream to snack on.
I still had one more thing to do though.
I went over to the Jewelry store to pick up the gift I had for her...
After all of that was done, I headed back to the house. It was already 6:00 & I needed to get to the house quick.

When I made it to the house, it smelled like perfume. How can I smell Krystal's stuff all the way down here, when I made it upstairs I passed by her room when I heard her singing along to Treasure by Bruno Mars.
"I know that you don't know it but ya fine so fineeee." I chuckled. She didn't even know that I had made it to the house. I went into my room & did my hygiene stuff.

Krystal's POV💙🔒✨
I finished wanding my hair & looked at the time it was 7:15. I was ready, so I went downstairs into the living room. When I walked down there I saw Roc looking in the mirror fixing his tie.
He looked nice...very nice. I stood there admiring him, when I saw him turn around. "Oh Krystal....I didn't know you were standing right there." He said smiling. He looked me up & down.
"You look beautiful." I blushed...hard.😍 cause he's usually always telling me that I look nice, this is the first time he's said that I looked beautiful.
"Thank you." I replied.
"You ready to go?" He asked, lacing his hand with mine.
I nodded my head yes & we walked out to the car.
"You wanna tell me where were going now??" I asked him as he started up the car.
He shook his head no & smirked.
I just shrugged & sat back in my seat.
I like surprises anyways. 🌚
As we were about to pull up into the parking lot he told me to cover my eyes.
I did so until we parked.
He came around & let me out of the car & covered my eyes all the way until we came to a stop. "Okay, you can look now." He said releasing his hands from my eyes. I opened them slowly & saw that we were standing in front of my favorite restaurant,
"The Cheesecake Factory."
But how did he know that?
I hugged him and smiled big, I've loved this restaurant ever since I was a little girl. My dad would always bring me here when I would get in trouble with my mom. I was a daddy's girl......when he was around.
"Thank you, how did you know to bring me here?" I questioned him smiling.
He smirked at me, "I just know love." He replied simply.
After we went inside, out waitress took us to a booth & we sat down across from each other.
"This is nice..." I said blushing.
"Yeah, I wanted to take you out. After last night...I didn't want you to think that I was just doing that for fun."
He did have a point, I didn't know if he was doing it because he really wanted to, or because he just wanted to do something with me & that was it.

After a few minutes of our chatting, the waiter came by.
"Hi, my name's Melissa & I'm going to be your waitress for the night. What can I get you to drink?"
Roc looked up at me,
Gesturing for me to go first. "Um, can I have a Sweet Tea."
The lady wrote it down & then looked over at Roc, "And for you sir?"
He told her that he wanted a Lemonade & she walked away to get our drinks.
She quickly brought our drinks & we ordered our food.
I gir the bacon cheeseburger with only lettuce & mayo on it, like I always did & Chresanto got the the Chicken Alfredo.

After me and Roc were done eating our food, things got kinda quiet. W had a dull conversation from the time we had starting eating up until now...
I looked up at him & saw that he looked like he was in deep thought. He was just staring down at his plate stirring around his soupy meal.
"You okay?" I asked him, putting my hand over his hand that he wasn't using. He looked up at me & bit his lip.
"Remember earlier when you said that I wasn't your boyfriend yet? Well.....it kinda just got me thinking. I want to be your boyfriend,not hair because of last night....even before that when you were all feisty & guarded around me. I liked the chase, but them when you got all sweet & soft on me ; that's when I really started falling. On some real, Krystal...I really, really like you & I want you to be my girlfriend in the worst way. So....will you?"
I could tell from my body heat that I was blushing mad hard & I could tell that he'd noticed because he chuckled under his breath a little bit.
I nodded first since I was too nervous to speak & then I answered. "Yes, Chresanto. I'll be your girlfriend."
He gave me that winning smile that he always did, showing off his pearly whites. "Can I have a kiss now then? Since I'm officially your boyfriend."
I giggled & before I could even respond he pulled me into the kiss, planting his soft pink lips onto mine. I swear I melted everytime he kissed me, even though this was only the second time, I was becoming accustomed to the feeling of our lips being connected. 😍

Back At The House💕...


When we got back to the house I was feeling the happiest than I've ever felt in awhile, during the ride home Roc would rest his hand on my thigh or kiss me on the cheek & I swear it just made me want him more.
We planned to stay up that night & watch movies.
"I'm gonna take a quick shower, okay?" I told him taking off my heels.
He looked at me & nodded. "Want me to-(GCO)"
"Don't even try it." I said interrupting him. I already knew what he was gonna ask...& as much as I would like taking a shower with him ; I think that's moving a bit too fast.
He chuckled at me & say down on the couch. "Well, you can't knock me for trying."
I went upstairs & pulled out a t-shirt & some night shorts to put on after I for our the shower. I also took out a new bra & some panties that I could put on.


I was sitting down on the couch on the couch when I saw Krystal standing before me. She had on a t-shirt & some shorts.
I left her sit down next to me & she did. "You just love being shirtless don't you?" She questioned me, while looking at my abs.
I smirked.😏 "You like it though."
She rolled her eyes at me. "Maybe.....maybe not."
We sat in silence for a little bit.
I kept looking at her legs, they were so toned & just right.....I admired her whole body as we sat there in silence.
She was laying on my chest but I knew that she was looking at other things too. The sexual tension in the room was on 10.😩
"You were playing last night." She blurted out, as she continued tracing circles with her fingers on my abs.
"What you mean by that?" I chuckled while placing my hand on her thigh. She always jumped when I did that, I thought it was kinda cute.
"Like.....I thought we were actually gonna do it."
I laughed at her comment.
"Why? You wanted me to go all the way?"
She started blushing again, like at the restaurant.
"Nah, I just thought you would try to...."
"I wanted to wait until you were my girlfriend first baby." 💕
She smiled as the last world trickled off of my tongue. I was surprised that I had sad it too. Well now I know that she liked when I call her "Baby".
She got up from laying on my chest & straddled me. (Sitting on his lap)
She wrapped her arms around me neck & stared at me.
"Well.....I'm your girlfriend now." She said seductively. My eyes kept traveling down to her lips as she spoke, they were so soft & pink. She gave the best kisses. 👄
After awhile...I couldn't take it anymore. I crashed my lips into hers & she instantly responded by kissing back.

Sorry if you guys thought this chapter was boring, but if you don't thanks too. (: I'm sorry I haven't been updating lately, high school is a lot...
lol & this week probably won't be any better since its homecoming week. But I AM starting 2 new series this week. 💜 So if I don't update this story you'll have other stuff by me to read. 🌚
Anyways, until next time......BYE LOVES.💕

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