family approval // pt. 2

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A/N: I know it's been a minute...but part two is finally hear so enjoy! And also I changed the cover if y'all hadn't noticed. It got old and boring to me. Anyways enjoy!😊❤️ I'll update again maybe later tonight. And please please please continue to comment guys. I won't know if y'all are enjoying it without comments. (:
*p.s. Krystal's in the picture*

Krystal's POV.....

I quickly rushed up the stairs to my old room.
I hadn't been in here in walls were plastered with all 4 of my homecoming mums, all of my cheerleading pictures, and pictures of me and my old high school friends. As much as I hated to admit it sometimes, I actually did miss home; well the good parts of it.
I felt my head get hot and my eyes start to water as I thought about what my mother had just told me. Why the hell was my 'dad' here?
Why did he even want to see me? Shit, he hadn't seen me since my graduation which I didn't invite him to and before that, who knows the last time I'd seen him? Disappearing was definitely his specialty.
I buried my face into my pillow & just let it all out, all of what I had been holding in for too long. Why did he constantly try to come back into my life and sporadically pop back up when it was convenient for him? I was tired of that bullshit and whatever he had to say, I didn't want to hear it.
I was interrupted from my thoughts when I heard somebody walk in. I looked back and seen that it was Chres. I immediately burried my face back into the pillow, I didn't want him to see me like this. I had messed up most of my makeup from crying.
" to me." He said grabbing my waist & lifting me up to sit on his lap.
"Chres, I'm not trying to ruin your trip baby.
This is my problem, I can deal with it on my own. I don't want to burden you -"
"Stop Krystal." He said cutting me off.
He grabbed my face and turned it to face his.
"We're a couple, we're in this together. Your problems are my problems and I'm not letting you leave this room or this house until you tell me what's wrong. You know I hate seeing you like this...I'm just here to help. You not ruining shit, I'm not gone be able to have any fun knowing my baby is upset. So tell me."
He looked at me sternly. I already knew he wasn't letting me get away unless I spoke up so I let my guard down and just did it....

Well...ever since I was about 12, I just remember my mom coming into my room and telling me that my dad was not coming back.
I was so heartbroken and confused, it honestly happened so randomly. Ever since then he's just tried to pop back up into my life at the most unexpected times. He got married, had another baby,moved all the way to Maryland and just forget all about me and my mom. He left us like we were nothing, absolutely nothing! I would call and call him, no fucking answer. Texted him 3 years in a row for Father's Day, never responded! Shit I always tried to be the bigger person and reach out to him, but it was like a big slap in the face every fucking time. I don't give a damn what anyone says...that man never loved me, why doesn't he love me baby? What did I do to deserve this? Why won't he just love me????

Chresanto's POV....

Krystal was in full blown tears now..all I could do was just hug her tightly. "Everything's gonna be alright." I continuously repeated to her. I really was at a loss for words on what to tell her...I definitely didn't know how it felt to not have a father around. Mine was around me 24/7 growing up. It just really hurt me to see Krystal like that because I don't understand how anyone could not love her? She had the most beautiful, sweetest soul than any other girl I'd ever met.
"Baby, calm down." I said bringing her face to mine and gently kissing her forehead.
"You are the most beautiful, smart, talented, & kind hearted girl that I have ever met. You definitely didn't do anything to deserve the way that he's treated you. And you don't need negative people like that coming in and out of your life. If he can't see the wonderful daughter that he has in front of him, then he definitely doesn't deserve to be in your life. only advice to you would be to hear him out this one last time. Tell her exactly what you just told me and everything else that's on your mind. Give him one more chance to prove himself to you and if he still can't get it right after that, then at least you'll be able to say you tried. That's all you can really do baby. But don't for one second think that it's your fault for what he did. Because it's not."

I wiped the rest of the tears from her eyes and we just sat there for a few minutes. I knew she needed a moment to gather all of her thoughts.
"Thank you babe, you don't understand how much I really needed to hear that" she finally spoke and kissed my cheek. "I'm gonna think about meeting up with him and telling him how I feel. If he continues to act the same and not make any effort after that, then fuck it."

She got up and looked at herself in the mirror.
"Alright babe well I look a hot ass mess, so you can go ahead & fuck with Ray. I'll call you later and let you know what Jade trynna do." She said chuckling.
"Ight, feel better my love." I replied wrapping my arms around her waist and giving her a big kiss. "I will." She said smiling.
"Oh and after we go eat with Ray and them, you're coming to meet the rest of my family."
She turned around quickly and was about to speak but I cut her off.
"Ain't no way around it, it's time for them to meet the lady that I've been dealing with for the past six months and dating for four. They already expecting you, so just be ready okay?"
"Okay..." She said looking scared.
I know that she was nervous to meet the rest of the fam, but she was important to me and because of that they needed to meet her so they could see how special she was too.

Jade's POV....

I was trying to finish applying my liquid eyeliner to my other eyelid when I heard my doorbell ring. "Shit!" I mumbled, I now had a big crooked line going across my eyelid thanks to whoever decided to scare me by ringing my doorbell.😒
I ran downstairs and opened the door to see Krystak standing at my doorstep.
"Damn bitch you might wanna redo that other eye, it's lookin kinda jacked." She said laughing. Jesus, I can't stand this girl.
"Well thanks to you, for ringing my doorbell and scaring the hell outta me." I replied sarcastically.
"I love you too jade."
We went upstairs and she sat down on my bed as I got back in the mirror trying to fix my eyeliner.
"And what the hell are you getting so dressed up fa'?" She took of her shoes and sat them on the side of my bed.
"Girl hush, you dressed up too...and damn why I can't just look good for myself?"
She laughed and rolled her eyes at me.
"Anyways! Where you trynna go out to eat? Because you know niggas can't pick a restarting to save their lives and surely not Chresanto."
I thought about all of the restaurants in LA.
"Something simple, I'm not in the mood for anything fancy right now."
"How bout' Roscoes?" She asked looking up from her phone?
"That's fine with me, chicken and waffles sound good right about now."
Honestly, I wasn't too much worried about where we were gonna be eating. All I knew is that Ray was gonna be with with his cute self. It's been awhile since I seen him and I always had a little thing for him in high school.
Maybe it could turn into something, who knows?

At the restaurant....

When me & Krystal got to Roscoes it was around 5:40ish. Chres & Ray were nowhere to be found though.
"I knew they was gone be late, when is Chresanto ever on time?" Krystal said dialing his phone number.
Before she could even put the phone to her ear I saw two dudes walking towards the entrance.
"Ain't that them?" I asked.
Ray was wearing some acid washed jeans, a pink dolphin brand sweater with a Hermes belt and beanie on. He looked fly. He always did actually. I felt like a little girl in high school again crushing as I watched him walked though the door. But I couldn't help it, he was fine.😋
"Baby! What did I tell you about being late." Krystal nagged as Chresanto came up and hugged her. My attention was took away from them when I felt somebody's presence before me. "Jade, right?" Ray said holding out his hand for me to shake.
"Yeah, long time no see." I blushed.
He tucked his lip and was about to say something when I felt my lap vibrate. It was the buzzer telling us that our table was ready.
I took it to the front desk as a lady got our menus ready. She had a long weave pulled back into a ponytail, bright yellow nails on & a pound of lipgloss caked on. "You can follow me to your table." She said popping her gum. I seen her from the corner of my eye gazing at Chresanto & Ray. "She better watch who she's staring at." I mumbled to myself.
I know Ray wasn't mine or anything, but I was going to make him mine so she shoulda been staring elsewhere.
Who is this chick? I feel like I've seen her somewhere before and she definitely gave me a bad vibe.....

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2015 ⏰

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