Eighteen||Who You're Jealous Of

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Barry: Patty. Ever since Patty had joined the force, she had gained the attention of Barry with her strange obsession with meta humans and her flighty personality. It kinda got on your nerves.

Cisco: Lisa. All the moments she'd tease him with her so called "charm" and her stupid remarks, making him laugh which made you pretty irritated.

Ronnie: Caitlin. Since Caitlin had been at S.T.A.R labs longer than you had they had become great friends, hanging out often away from work, making you just a tad bit jealous.

Eddie: Iris. Being the daughter of Joe West, Iris is usually at the station which also means she's with Eddie, hanging out in his free time. Of course you got angry.

Wally: Jessie. Don't get me wrong. You like Jessie. She's really cool. But when her and Wally met, you got a little annoyed.

Jay: Caitlin. Once again Caitlin is at the top of your list of people you didn't mix with, mostly because of Jay being with her more than you.

Leonard: Sara. They playfully flirt every once in a while, joking with each other, sending you into protective monster mode.

Hartley: You don't get jealous. He's all yours so you don't have the need to be.

Hey guys. So. I'm not dead I promise, I've just been so busy with all these requests, my other books, life actually. But I swear I will get some requests out soon!

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