Eight||He cheats (Part 2)

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Ronnie: Since today you were off work at Jitter's you called Ronnie around the afternoon and asked if he wanted to hang out after work, but he said he was sick in bed with the cold.

Being the nice person you are, you decided to get his favorite snacks, some movies and make a pot of chicken noodle soup for him.

You seal the container's top for the small bowl of soup and set it in your bag along with the other things you wanted to take over to his apartment.

As you walk through the halls of the apartment building, you neared his flat with a smile on your face. You heard something like a movie playing in his flat so you just assumed he was watching it in his living room.

You knock on the door but there was no answer, probably couldn't hear it from the loud noise. You were about to knock again but you heard a giggle.

You froze a bit. What? You tried the door but it was locked so you decide to look through the small port whole through his door.

Your heart was in your throat. Ronnie was laughing, looking perfectly healthy but what made you feel this way was that beside him, sat a familiar girl with red wavy hair.


He invited Caitlin before he'd invite you? Your smile faded quickly. They're just friends, maybe she was just trying to be nice...maybe she helped him. But you spoke to soon.

He turned his head to face Caitlin and said something to her. You could read his lips perfectly. I love you

You dropped your bag and ran down the hall. You should have seen it coming. The way he looked at her when he thought you weren't watching.

You never thought he'd go for your sister.

Eddie: You walk out of your office, a bounce in each step. Eddie had been hinting to you about him going to propose: you didn't want to get your hopes up.

You jumped into the elevator to get to Eddie and your flat. The door opens and you slide out and practically skip to your room 601.

You fish your keys out of your pocket and open the door.

Your smile disappears when you hear giggling from the other room. You slowly walk down the hall, letting your jaw drop at the sight in front of you.

Iris. Your best friend. In bed with Eddie.

"Eddie?" This caught their attention, making a small tear runs down your cheek.


"Don't." You shook your head and ran.

Wally: You wave back to Joe as you walk away from the West household, thinking about the situation you were in.

You consulted Joe for advice because you actually haven't had your first kiss with Wally yet.

You were nervous about it, honestly.
Maybe you were a bad kisser, you wouldn't know anyways.

Joe told you to just go for it. If it wasn't you, he didn't think Wally would man up. I mean of course he was joking...right?

You drove down the street until you make it to the 'racing track' he would always call it and park the car.

You open your door and hop out, being met by the sounds of cheering and rap music.

These guys need new taste in music.

As you walk towards the familiar car he would always drive, you see something that made yourself almost choke.

Wally and another girl. The girl sat on the hood of his car with her arms wrapped around his neck, having a serious make out session with Your boyfriend!

You were on the tight rope between sad and angry.

You walk towards them with your arms crossed tightly over your chest until you stop a couple feet away.

"Wally." You say with all the calm you could muster.

They jump apart and Wally's eyes widen.

"Y/N! I-I-uh...." he cleared his throat.

"This is Bree...a good friend of mine.." he awkwardly rubbed his neck.

You manage a pained smile.

"Hey. I'm his girlfriend." You give a laugh but you just shake your head, feeling tears well up in your eyes.

"I'm actually relieved I didn't waste my first kiss on you.." you kept yourself from crying as long as you could.

"Y/N, please, I can explain." He pursed his lips a bit.

"Just leave me alone.." you mumbled and walked away, pushing through the loud and obnoxious teens.

You really thought he changed.

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