-Leonard imagine

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This is for elagantartistthings and made by TwoHeartsBeat15. She's helped me a lot and I'm very grateful she took over on this. Please enjoy!

Warning: Melting faces with cuteness!

I waited impatiently at Jitters.  My foot, was rapidly tapping the ground, which just proved how anxious I was.  My green eyes flickered over to the door as I hear the bell atop the door frame ring.  But, my hopes deflate when I see it's not Leonard.

    Leonard had been away, saving the world.  And I know, I shouldn't feel bad about that, but I really missed him.  I wanted to tag long on the Wave Rider, but Leonard refused.  He would always send me little notes or signals that he was okay. 

But still, I wanted to see him in person!

The door bell ringed again, and I swiveled my head to see who it was.  It was Leonard, the same Leonard that I had been missing for what seemed like ages. Not caring who saw, I hugged him in the middle of the coffee house.

    "Are you home for good this time?  No more missions to save the world, right?" I can't stop all the questions flooding out of my mouth.  He buries his head in my neck.

        "I promise, I'm here for good.  I'm so sorry for leaving at all Tamiya," he apologized, as he pulled away and kissed me on the cheek.  My grin widened as he held my hands and guided me to our table. 

    As we set down, I pushed a cup of ICED coffee (XD), just the way he likes it. When he takes his jacket off, I notice some scars on his arm.  Not like I didn't expect it, but it was different when I actually saw them. 

"I have a surprise for you," I teased, "I bought a new apartment, a nice one,  it's downtown, lots of banks, in case you want to you know, stay in business.  And I have an open seat at the dining room table, if you want," I nervously say, worried he'll say no.

"You know what Tamiya, I think I'm going to pass....on getting back into the business.

I want to spend as much time as I can with you.  My trip made me realize that I need to hold on to the little things in life, and the big things," Leonard smiled. 

It's not a bad thing, but, I can tell he's changed, but in a good way.  I smile and hold his hand, "I've missed you Leo," I repeat in my mind, except, this time I say it out loud.

"I've missed you more Tamiya." He smiled sincerely and took a sip of his drink.

 I had so many questions I wanted to ask.  Where did they go-when did they go? Did they go to the 20s? 40s? I was so interested in this! I wish I could've just gone. I bite my lip as I watched his movements.

"Why wouldn't you let me go? Jefferson got to go, and he's younger than I am."  He sighed as he set his glass down.

"I didn't want you to get hurt. I know I don't seem like a hero. heroism isn't where I roll, but I'm not as cold as I seem." He smiled and so did I.

 He really was sweet man, in my eyes I guess.

"Well I'm glad you're back. Because it was getting pretty boring here." I laughed softly.

"I'm glad too. And not even Mick can make me leave again." I felt my heart melt by his words and hold my hand near my chest.

How much sweeter can he get!?

"Thats so touching, Leonard. Kinda sad that Mick would be the reason you'd leave," I laughed once more and he joined me. "But thats sweet. Really, really sweet. . .I love you" I see a small smile appear on his lips.

"I love you too Tamiya."


Howdy, Howdy! Once again another job well done, thanks to my best girl Autumn! I really hope you enjoyed it and hopefully another imagine will be finished. 

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