Fifteen||You Make Up (Part 2)

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Ronnie: You left town.  Sure, it wasn't exactly the smartest thing to do, but out of fight or flight, you chose immediate flight.

But, you had enough time to clear your head.  Now, you were coming back.  You were surprised that Mercury Labs accepted you, especially after your incident at STAR Labs.

You walked into the doors and Tina McGee greeted you at the door.

"Y/N!  So glad you could make it.  Mercury Labs is grateful to have you on the team!"  She gushed. You politely smiled and let her walk you to your new lab. 

She informed that you would only have to share with one other person.  Thank the lord it wasn't going to be crowded.

But, your face immediately dropped when you saw who your new partner is.  Ronnie Raymond.  He was the reason you left town and the cause of all your pain in the last few weeks. 

Tina smiled and left you alone, not sensing the obvious tension between you two.

"Y/N?  Will you hear me out?"

"Can we just keep this strictly work related?" you stiffly say.

"Listen!  Okay?  I was practicing!  Caitlin was helping me practice.  Once I got over my cold, I was gonna say it.  I was going to say that I love you!  I was nervous, so she was helping me make it special for you."  Ronnie's voice trails off at the end.

At first, you wonder if you should believe him.  But when you see his face, and you knew he's telling the truth. 

You throw your arms around his neck and hug him. 

"I'm so sorry Ronnie. I overreacted."

"It's okay Y/N....I love you."

Eddie: You sat in one of the holding cells in CCP as you thought over what you'd just seen. Why would Eddie do this? After all these days of hinting about proposing, he decides to sleep around.

As you took an interest in your hands you heard footsteps coming down towards the cell. You saw Joe West, one of your old friends and Eddie's partner in the department. He looked stressed, and almost. . .disappointed in you.

"Okay. Y/N, do you care to explain why you were caught driving drunk on the freeway?" He slightly yells. You're taken aback and then you exhale sharply.

"It wasn't my fault! It was your cheating partner's fault!" You argue, still just a bit tipsy. Joe sigh as he rests his hand on his forehead.

"I understand what Eddie did was terrible, but it doesn't give you the right of breaking the law." He lowered his voice as he spoke.

"Listen, I'm going to send him in, and you're gonna talk this out. Whether you like it or not." And with that he just leaves. You grudgingly wait about a minute before you sense the door open again.

"I'm not in the mood to talk to cheaters, you-" You try to continue, but get cut off by him.

"I know you don't want to talk to me, but I'm going to talk anyways. I know you don't want to forgive me. Hell. I don't expect you to ever. All I'm saying is, I don't want this situation to have an impact on your health." He tries to explain.

You scoff and look down, shaking your head at his words.

"Why would you care? You were in bed with my best friend!" You hissed through your teeth.

"I know. It was a mistake. But hate me, not Iris!" Eddie continues, while you sit back, thinking about his words. He was trying to preserve your friendship with Iris, even though it meant he knew you wouldn't forgive him.

"Yknow. It was your mistake." You admit. "I'll give you one more chance," a smile grew on his face. "But," You keep going. "I want to start back at square one." He sighed in relief.

"I was hoping you'd say that."

Wally: You played with your food once again as you ate at the West's house, your heart heavy as Joe and Iris looked watched you with sympathy in their eyes. Joe was not happy at the act of Wally, thinking he'd never do such a thing to a close friend.

"What exactly happened, Y/N?" Iris tried to get your attention from the Chinese food you played with. You looked up and sigh. You really didn't want to talk.

"Well, first off: I was talking to Joe," I nod to him so he can talk for himself

He told Iris about your conversation about how you wanted to make the first move with Wally since he still hadn't. But then while he spoke, you thought to yourself.

Maybe that was why he never kissed you. He was going behind your back for that other girl...

You felt tears stream down your cheeks, which made the two look at you.

You look up to them and wipe your tears quickly from your cheeks.

"I think I'll just turn in for the night. ." You nod mostly to yourself and stand. Just as you do, there's a knock on the door.

"I-I'll get that." Iris stood and left the room without another glance. You knew what that meant.

"It's Wally isn't it?" You sigh.

"Yep..." Joe stood up and started to clean up food. You start for your room and try to avoid him at the door but his hand wrapped around your wrist.

"Y/N. . ." You look back to him and pull your wrist from his grip.

"Leave me alone, Wally." You said sternly. His expression saddened, but he was determined to talk.

"Y/N. Let me explain." He said in the same tone you used. You look him in the eyes as he spoke and you cave.
You really didn't want to talk, but sadly you couldn't escape this forever.

"Alright, But I want to be alone."

You look at Iris who was standing behind Wally, but he had slipped his hand into yours and pulled you up the stairs and to your old room.

Once you got up there you ripped your hand from his grasp and sat on your bed.

"Okay, we're alone. Now-" You interrupt him.

"Why did you kiss her? Why didn't you invite me to your race? Why can't you talk to me like I'm a real person!?" You snap at him.

He sighed as he kneeled down in front of you.

"Y/N, I know you probably won't believe me. And I can understand that. But Bree was helping me." He looked up to you as you crossed your arms.

"Helping you do what? Tonsil hockey?" You roll your eyes and he frowned.

"Actually to impress you. Listen, Bree knew that we never kissed and she knew how much I cared about us. So she showed me the proper way to kiss you." He looked up to you with a pleading expression.

Your scowl softened as you looked down at him, making you sigh. He was telling the truth. You could see it in his big brown eyes. You slowly uncrossed your arms and took his hands in yours.

"Okay. I believe you," You saw a smile appear on his face. "But next time don't leave me in the dark, alright?"

He gave a quick nod and at this time he cupped your left cheek and leaned in, pressing his lips to yours.

Maybe it was worth the wait.

Finally finished! Thank you guys for waiting on these and being patient, I think it was totally worth the wait. Thank you to TwoHeartsBeat15 who helped me with this chap. Couldn't have done it without her!

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