Seven||He cheats (Part 1)

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Barry: Joe had a pretty tough case on his hands. You had gotten a call from him, asking if you were interested in helping.

Of course you were. You really wanted to change. You wanted to do good

You walk into the CCPS office and waved to Joe with a smile on your face.

"Hey Joe. I think I'm ready."

He sighed in relief.
"Thanks again, Y/N. First I need you to bring these to Barry." He gave a pile of paper work to you.

God it was heavy.

"Sounds good, thanks...wheres Barry's lab again?"

"Up the stairs and down the hall, can miss it. Oh yeah! And Y/N, Patty is also there. still trying to convince Barry there's actually a thing call the 'King Shark.' " he quoted.

You laughed. Seriously? What a dumb name.

"Thanks Joe! Seeya!" And with that, you were on your way.

As you got closer you heard something strange coming from his lab. Your pace slowed but you walk into the room.

Your heart nearly breaks.

Barry. your own boyfriend, that you loved for God knows how long, was sitting on his desk, having a heated make out session with your new friend, Patty Spivot.

Your hands gave out, letting the papers fall to the floor. Once they hit the floor, the two jumped apart.

"Y/N, this isn't what it looks like." He wipes his mouth with his sleeve.

You felt tears fall from down your cheeks and you ran.

Avoiding everyone who got in your way, mostly pushing people away, including Joe.

"Y/N! Come back!" His voice echoed through the building.

You never looked back. You never wanted to go back.

Cisco: Its been a little hard to get Cisco's attention these past couple days.

Its like he was a ghost. Everything he's said to you, every compliment he's given you just felt empty, like he wasn't all there.

You were raised in a pretty strict household. You never had the chance to have a boyfriend, You didn't have that many friend.

So of course you've never kissed him. You didn't know how, you thought it was kinda useless. Its just a kiss right?

And while this was going on you had to deal with Leonard and Lisa Snart, so that was stressful.

You walk into S.T.A.R lab and look around. everyone was scattered around. There was Barry, Leonard and Caitlin.

But no Cisco Or Lisa.

You set your bag down and walk in fully, grabbing the attention of Caitlin and the others.

"Have you guys seen Cisco? I've been try to call him, but he won't answer." You hold up your phone.

They all shrug. "Did he even come in today?"

Leonard Looked around. "Well, wherever your Cisco is, Lisa's gone to. I haven't seen her in a while."

You gave a shallow breath. Both of them were gone. You look up to them before walking out of the labs. Maybe he's in his space.

You walk down the hall quickly with a nervous feeling in your stomach. Eversince she came, he's given her more attention than he's ever given you.

You stop when you see the door. Please don't be in there. Please don't be in there. You begged for him not to be.

You slowly walk to the door and sure enough, they were both there.

Her on your old desk and his hands on her hips.

You felt your whole world collapes around you, feeling your heart grow heavier by the second.

You didn't bother making a sound. You didn't bother trying to get his attention.
If he didn't get what he wanted with you, he's getting it now.

You slowly walk away from the door and down the hall. You were going home.

Ima just gonna cry over here...*sits in corner*

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