Chapter 4

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< Morgan's P.O.V >

I set on a bench in the park looking at the stars. It was really cold night, but I forgot to bring a jacket with me, so I just set there freezing.

I decided to walk for a little. The park is beautiful, it has a lot of trees. All the trees are really different and unigue. It feels like walking in the woods. It's kinda scary walking alone but I didn't have the courage to go home. If I did I would tell Usher I liked Justin.

I don't like him, or do I? I had a few boyfriends, ok two, but I never felt this way about them or anyone else. Could this be true love? Okay, no! I barely know this guy, how can he be my "true love"? I don't think true love even exists. All the guys hurt you at some point and leave you broken. I don't wanna go through that one more time. That's why I didn't have lot of boyfriends, I avoided being hurt and letting myself love.

I suddenly bumped into someone. When I looked up I saw Justin.

Crap! The second I try to forget about him, here he is. All cute and hot with his flawless hair and bright smile.

"Sorry" he said looking deeply into my eyes

"It's" I said shaking because I was so cold "okay, it's not only your fault" I continued while staring back into his big gorgeous eyes and suddenly feeling warm.

He came closer and closer and closer.... Just as he was about to kiss me I heard a distant voice saying "Wake up!"

I opened my eyes and saw Usher smiling at me from the edge of the bed.

It was a dream! It was a freaking dream... It felt so real; his stare and his smile... It all seemed real. I just had a bad dream. Okay, prefect one... But it's not like anyone will know about it. I can't tell anyone I like Justin, NO WAY! Not until i'm sure I even feel anything for him.

"Good morning, sweetie. Have you slept well?" I soft voice of Usher's spoke to me. His voice always calms me down, especially the soft, low one. He sounded like an angel. When I was younger he used to put me to sleep by singing to me, he sounded so good! He still does, and everytime he speaks it's so calming and melodic.

"Yes" I smiled and then yawn. I was still tired from last night. I wish I could just forget what happened by the pool.

I looked at the clock and it was 12pm. I want to go back to sleep! But I needed to practise for my audition and then say bye to Ryan, Chaz and Christian before they leave to Canada.

Usher went down to make me breakfast. That's so sweet of him! He treats me like a daughter and makes me feel like I'm home.

I made my bed and went to the closet. What should I wear? Hmmm... I saw a black Obey t-shirt and a short hot pink shorts and decided to wear that. I took a quick shower and then dressed. I curled my hair a little and put just a little foundation on.

I walked downstairs and saw Usher cooking pancakes. Yummm! I helped him and prepared the table. We sat down and started eating.

"So... Are you sad Ryan, Christian and Chaz are leaving today? Usher asked while taking a little bite of his pancake.

"I don't know, I'm sad I didn't get to know them well." I answered confident even though I wasn't feeling nothing at all. I didn't care they were leaving actually. I just wanted to eat my pancakes!

Usher just smiled before taking a sip of his joice.

I liked his outfit. he had black jeans on, with a V-neck lakers shirt and vans. I wonder why is he single. He was a superstar and everyone thought he was hot. Even me. And he was. But no, he wants to stay single and die alone sad with 10 cats. I really don't get it, okay I do, kinda. I'm also afraid to be with someone and getting hurt. Maybe he is, too... Hmm...

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