Chapter 3

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{{pool party}}

*the next morning*

I woke up in the queen sized bed.

At first I thought I was kidnapped, but then I remembered I was at Usher's house.

I walked to the bathroom and took a shower.

I changed into sports shorts and cute pink t-shirt.

I put my hair into the messy bun and walked downstairs.

I saw Usher, Justin and Scooter in the kitchen.

"Morning" they all said with a smile

"Morning" I smiled back

They all were just staring at me.

I decided to ignore it and went to cupboard to get cereal.

I mixed it with milk and set on the table next to Usher.

I started eating and they all just stared at me.

"What?" I finally asked

"Nothing" Usher said

I looked at Justin and he seemed lost

"Earth to Justin" I yelled

He fell of a chair and we all laughed.

"Not funny" He said while getting up

"It is to us" Scooter replied

I kept eating while they were talking about music.

I put the plate in the sink and went upstairs

I put my headphones on and started listening to music

Then someone came in.

It was Justin..

"Hey" he said

I was listening to music so I didn't hear him

He took the headphones off of my head

"HEY! I was listening to that!" I looked at him

"Don't worry, I'll give them back after we talk"

"What is so important that I can't listen to music?" I pretended to be mad

"Chill, okay? I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to come to the pool party tonight?"

POOL party?! NO way! I don't go to them since I was 13. Because at my first pool party I hit my head when I was being pushed to the pool. But maybe I should go?

I just stared at the blank space thinking about it

"So..?" Justin asked

"Fine I'll go"

I have a bad feeling about this, a really bad one. So I have no freaking idea why I agreed.

He smiled and handed me my handphones.

I put them back on.

He thought I would ask him something else because of his expression but I just couldn't care less about the party at the moment.

He finally walked out of the room and I kept listening music for a while.

When I got downstairs I heard Ryan and Chaz talking about something.

I didn't see them this morning, so it kinda confused me.

I hid behind the wall so I could hear them talking.

"I will ask Morgan out" Ryan said

My mouth dropped open

"Why can't I ask her out?" Chaz replied

"Because she's hot"

"So??" I heard Chaz saying

"So she's for me."

"You only want to date her cause she's hot?" Justin asked Ryan all of a sudden


"Dude, that's not cool. You don't date someone for their looks!"

"You're right Justin... But.."

"No buts. When you get to know her better ask her out then" Justin cut him off

All I heard was silence for few moments so I walked in

"Have you seen Usher?" I asked them

"He's in the bowling area downstairs. Let me show you." Ryan replied

Should I go? What if he asks me out?!

Of course I will say no, but I don't wanna hurt him. Ugh!

"Okay" I finally said

Ryan got up and walked to the stair, I followed him

He just smiled at me for a few moments

I smiled back.

He showed me the bowling area and went in. Ryan went back upstairs.

< Ryan's P.O.V >

Damn! I couldn't ask her anything. I just froze.

It was really stupid of me to just stare at her.

But what if we have nothing in common?

I walked back to the living room and saw Justin and Chaz. They are playing video games.

"So you're playing without me" I pretended to be sad

They laughed.

"Come join us" Chaz said

I set between Chaz and Justin

"So how'd it go?" Justin asked

"I couldn't ask her anything, what if we have nothing in common?"

"But what if you do" Chaz said

"I don't know.."

"Well, the good news is that she's coming to the pool party tonight so you can talk with her then" Justin smiled

"Oh, Justin... Maybe you like Morgan, too! You invited her over last night and now you even asked her to come to a pool party" I said to Justin hoping he'll deny it

"It's called getting to know people" Justin winked at me

Chaz and I laughed and kept playing video games.

< Morgan's P.O.V >

I walked into the huge bowling area. It was the only part of the house Usher didn't show me, or I just think it's the only one.

Usher was playing with some older looking woman with a pony tail and a cute pants and light blue shirt.

Usher saw me and hugged me.

I hugged him back.

Then the lady walked over to me.

"Hi, I'm Alison" She smiled

"I'm Morgan nice to meet you" I smiled back

"Wanna play with us?" they both asked at the same time

All three of us laughed.

"Actually, I just came to ask Usher if he is going to a pool party tonight?"

"Yes, I am! And Alison is going also. But how do you know about the party?"

"Justin asked me to come"

Alison and Usher just looked at each other.

"What?" I asked them

"Nothing!" They both said

I raised an eyebrown and got of there

Something smeeled fishy, but not just the fish we are going to have for lunch.

I went back to my room and Justin was there

He looked at me and smiled

"What do you want" I asked him a nicest possible way

"Wanna go to the park later?"

Why would I? I mean why not. Well I don't want to, but... Ugh!

How can I say no in a nice way... Hmm...

"Sorry, I have an audition soon so I have to practise and get ready for the pool party" I answered faking a smile

"Oh... Ok" He said and walked out of the room

After launch I went to practise in my room.

It was an audition for the lead role in the movie with Justin Timberlake.

I was so excited!

I practised for 3 hours since I had nothing better to do.

I read every single line over and over again.

I said it in every possible way.

Then I heard my phone buzz.

It was a text from Justin.

"Party in an hour, don't forget ;)"

I looked at the clock and it was 6pm.

"Crap!" I said and rushed to get ready

I put bikini on, flowery white short shirt and shorts

I put extra close in my bag and grabbed my phone from the table.

I went downstairs.

Usher was waiting for me.

"Sorry! I was practising for my audition and totally forgot what time it was"

"It's ok, just let's go."

He took my hand and we went to the car.

We drove to a party.

I was kinda nervous.

< Justin's P.O.V >

Morgan finally came to the party.

I thought she wouldn't.

She hugged me and gave me a big smile.

She looked gorgeous!

Wait, what am I saying? Am I falling for her? No, it can't be.

"Are you ok?" She asked

"Yeah, I'm just thinking about y... yogurt"

Nice save, Justin!

"Uhm... Ok"

"Wanna go and sit by the pool?"

< Morgan's P.O.V >

When he asked me that i felt like I was asked on a date.

I felt butterflies running through my body.

He suddenly looked like an angel to me as his hazel eyes stared into mine waiting for an answer.

Could I be falling for him?

Yeah... I was and I couldn't do anything to stop it.

"Yeah, sure" I finally answered

He smiled, took my hand and walked to the pool.


I have no idea how can I have feelings for someone I barely know even though he's been so nice to me and I feel like I can trust him.

A part of me still elt unsure about all of this and if he is really who I think he is.

We wet to the pool and put just our legs in. It was quiet for a while.

"Is this your first pool party?" Justin asked while looking at me

"Not really. When i was 13 I went to my very first pool party. When I got to the pool someone pushed me in and I hit my head. Since then I've been scared of pools. But I got over my fear now... kinda"

"Don't worry, nothing will happen to you. I'm here to prtotect you and to help you" He smiled

O M G! That was like the sweetest thing ever!

I felt my cheeks redden and I looked down smiling. I was on a cloud 9.

When I looked back at him I saw him smiling and suddenly our eyes met.

Okay, now I moved to cloud 10!

His worm, big, hazel eyes filled with joy starred into mine for few minutes.

I got lost in them. I felt butterflies in my stomach.

I didn't wanna look away and neither did he.

It was just... special.

He leaned closer, and closer.

But I realized what was gonna happen and pulled back.

I couldn't let my feelings control my head.

I still didn't know him, I don't want the same thing to happened to me again.

Falling to hard and end up being hurt.

It just isn't right.

He looked down, I could see he was kin of sad.

"I'm sorry" he said to me with a low sad voice

"No, I'm sorry. It's not you it's me"

Okay that sounded so cheesy.

Before he could speak I cut him. "I mean... I don't even know you very well. Maybe when I learn more about you." I faked a smile

"Yeah, maybe..." He said while getting up and leaving

I just sat there watching the stars in the sky

< Justin's P.O.V >

I was too upset to talk to anyone.

I could see it in her eyes, she wanted to kiss me.

I guess I was wrong.

How could I be so stupid?!

How can such a humble, nice and hot girl fall for someone like me?

I thought she liked me.

I guess I thought that because I liked her very much that I wanted her to like me back.

I feel so dumb right now...

I walked inside and entered into the one of the rooms.

It was empty so I just laid there thinking about Morgan and her smile.

She was like an angel who lost her wings.

I know it's cheesy, but it's true.

I decided to go downstairs and dance.

I danced with Chaz, Ryan and some girls they met.

I didn't bother to ask for their names, I was too busy thinking about Morgan.

I felt that I hit someone and turned to apologize when I saw Morgan.

"Ouch" she said before she looked at me

Our eyes met again. It was like starring at the most beautiful angel you've ever seen.

"Sorry" I said

She faked a smile and kept dancing with Usher.

I was sad but I kept dancing.

*later that night*

I saw Morgan and Usher starting to leave and I run after them.

< Morgan's P.O.V >

I heard someone yell my name, when I turned around I saw Justin running towards me.

I felt bad about being rude while we were dancing so I decided to wait and see what he's gonna say.

He came up to me trying to catch his breath.

"I'm sorry I pushed you and rushed things. Can we start our friendship again?" Justin asked me while gasping for air

I know he didn't mean friendship, he just wanted another chance to get be to be with him.

It was a perfect opportunity to get to know him better and maybe be with him. So I said yes.

We hugged and then Usher and I headed back home.

"What was that all about"

What am I suppose to say?! I can't tell Usher what happened by the pool, he would tease me forever and, plus, I don't want anyone to know.

"Uhm... He pushed me in the club by accident, you just didn't see it cause you were dancing with that chick. So I got mad at him for some odd reason. But I'm not mad anymore" I said hoping he would buy the story.

"Oh, ok"

Yes! He bought it. Thank god!!!

< Justin's P.O.V >

I walked throught the door of my house and heard someone yell "I'm a jerk!"

I walked in the living room and saw Ryan and Chaz sitting on a couch talking.

"Wha's up?" I said

"I couldn't talk with Morgan because you were with her at first and then I couldn't find her. Tomorrow I'm going to back to Canada and she will never know how I feel about her"

Chaz just set there patting Ryan on his back.

I couldn't tell him about the pool party, or that I liked Morgan because he'd hate me forever.

I didn't know what to say to him, I was sad because he was upset but happy because he's living tomorrow and I don't have to hide my feelings for Morgan.

Trust me it was hard to hide things like this from Ryan but I had to.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I hope you get the chance to talk to her"

That was a lie actually.

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