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I can't explain what I'm feeling right now because, well, I've never felt it before. It's almost as if fire, and explosions got together and their love child is stuck inside of my brain. It's a strange, yet, addicting feeling. I could get used to this.

After what seemed like both an eternity, and only an instant, Rob pulls away from me. My brain protests, wanting more, but I resist the temptation and open my eyes.

"I had to do it," Rob admits quietly, letting go of me. "I'm so-"

"Rob," he ignores me and runs a hand through his hair.

"No Preston. I shouldn't have-"

"Rob!" as soon as I raise my voice, Rob calms down slightly. "It's fine. I-I, I liked it." My face feels like it's on fire, and my stomach is making summersaults. Not to mention my heart is racing like I just ran for a long time. Am I sick?

"Preston, I-I," Rob bites his lip and looks away bashfully before murmuring something under his breath.

"You what?" my heart seems to beat even faster if that was even physically possible.

"I... I lo-" he was interrupted by the door being shoved open and a large man storms into the room. The man gave me a bad feeling.

"Mr. Latsky!" his voice boomed, almost as if he was trying to create an earthquake with merely his voice, "Preston here has a visitor."

"What? I thought we weren't taking visitors at the moment!" Rob looks at the man in confusion, "With Lisa missing, surely it would be a bad idea wouldn't it?" Wait, Lisa's missing?

"Nonsense! Now come Preston," the man grabs my arm roughly, pulling me toward the door. I look over my shoulder to see Rob sigh and run a hand through his hair. That's all I was able to see before the door closed in my face.

"Come along Preston. We can't keep your guests waiting," the man says, pulling me more forcefully down the hallway. I have a very bad feeling about this...
I am walked into the main lobby, and my eyes go straight to the widows that separated me from the outside world. They went from the floor to the ceiling, and let natural light fill the room.
Beyond those windows, was a world of green, grey, and all the other colours of the outside world. My heart skips a beat just thinking about the possibility of leaving this place.

A rough jerk from the man holding my arm brings me back to reality. I'm not going anywhere.

"Sir?" the young looking woman at the desk looks up at the man and I in confusion, "What's going on?"

"He has a visitor Megan," Wait, he calls this woman by her first name, and not Rob? Who does he think he is?

"I see," she had the same look of confusion on her face as Rob did, but her face also had another expression. Worry, or fear. It's kind of hard to tell the difference, "Why are you taking him to the guest? Shouldn't it be the other way around?"

"Nonsense! He's perfectly capable of moving around the building without harming others. Now, we must be going," he leads me passed Megan and into another room behind the desk before finally letting go of my arm, "Please sit down. You're visitors will be here momentarily," the man closes the door behind him, and leaves me alone in the strange new room.
A few moments later, the door opens and the Megan girl slinks into the room cautiously.

Letters to Nobody ~*Poofless AU*~Where stories live. Discover now