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The sun was high overhead as I ran down the street. Great job! You're late yet again!

A driver blares their horn at me as I cross the street. I ignore them and keep running, narrowly avoiding other people who were not late for something. I finally make it to the asylum and walk in, gasping for air.

"Good morning Brandon!" Megan calls from the desk, the same cheery smile as she usually has.

"Hey," I wheeze, holding my knees.

"You're early."

"What?" I look up at her, "What time is it?"

"It's eight," I swear under my breath.

"I thought it was noon!" I groan and sit down on the ground, "I ran all that way for nothing?"

"Not at all," Megan says looking over the counter at me, "Mr. Hennings needs a new room. He believes the current one is bugged by the 'American government.'" she sighs, "That poor man is so confused. The US hasn't been around for thirty years."

"People like him need to stay in these places," I let out a small sigh, "Alright. I'll take care of that. Is there anything else I have to do?" Please say nothing. I want to hang with Mat...

"Not necessarily," I nod and sigh in relief.

"Thanks Megan."

"You don't have to thank me Brandon. I was telling you what you have to do."
"Yues don't knows who I am, do yues boy?" Ashton slurs as I lead him to his 'new' room. I just rearranged the furniture.

"You're corpr--"

"Sargent Hennings! I fought in the war of 2032 for the American people!" he yells, sticking his face close to mine; his breath making my eyes water.

"Of course," I say, mentally cringing, "How could I forget." (<-- 2017 Mickey as she's going through and editing this.)

Ashton backs up and I let out a silent praise, "Yues youngens and yues forgetfulness. I doubt yues even knows yues in America!"

"Right. Here's your new room Mr. Hennings," I say, opening the door for him. He walks inside, muttering about someone named Donald Trump. Such a strange man... (Forgive 2016 Mickey; for she had foreshadowed something terrible.)

I close the door behind him and walk down the hall, ignoring Steve's yelling about someone smelling like a book.
I find myself wandering aimlessly around the asylum. It's something I do often. Just walking around, helping out some of the other caretakers if I can.

"Wait, you like someone Mat?" a voice comes from one of the rooms. I look at the room number.

247 B: Preston B. Arsement

Of course. The 200's wing is free roaming for the patients. They can go anywhere within the wing at their will. Mat likes someone? My eyes widen and my heart fills with hope. Alright. I'll admit it. I've liked the guy ever since the first day he came here.

+Flash Back+

"Brandon!" a man yells, making me jump.

"Y-yes sir?" I ask, turning around to see him, and having to lean my head back to look him in the eyes.

"You are assigned to our newest patient. Here are his papers," the man hands me a stack of paper before leaving.

Letters to Nobody ~*Poofless AU*~Where stories live. Discover now