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"DOES IT ALWAYS MAKE THAT FUCKING SOUND WHEN I PUSH THAT LEVER?" I asked Lalonde's kid Rosemary after I asked her where I could execute some of my fucking waste.

She had led me to this "bathroom" a while ago, and was waiting several feet away from the door when I opened it. Hmp, she really does look like Rose and Kanaya combined, like Egbert told me.

"Yes, it does. If it doesn't, it would mean it's broken. And we don't want that. Mom said that you shouldn't swear while you're here though."

Right. Don't want the human kids copying me or anything. I was staying here on Earth for a couple of days because Dave bro messaged me and said that he wanted me to his best man at him and Jade's "wedding" of some sort.

We were at Lalonde's house discussing some stuff. Well, they were. Half of what they said wasn't even language to me.

"YEAH, OKAY, I WON'T." Me and Rosemary kid started walking back to the dining room where the others were. "YOU'RE AWFULLY MATURE FOR A KID. HOW OLD ARE YOU ANYWAY?"

"I'm ten. It's been two years since you transported my other Mom here, though."


"Well, yes. Mom told us to call her 'Mom', too."


"No. That's the odd part. They would know who we were calling out even without asking. Like when I once said 'Mom' to Aunt Kanaya while they were seated on the sofa together, she was the one who looked at me and not Rose Mom."


She shrugged. "I think it's cool."

We reached the dining table and had seated back on our seats.

"So," Strider said, probably returning to an old topic a while ago, "if it's okay, I'd like Maryam to make four tux for us rad gentlemen." he gestured to him, me, then his sons Jake and Dirk.

"What about me??" Egbert complained.

"Didn't You Want To Be The Priest Or Something?" Kanaya asked.

He scratched his head. "Oh. Yeah. Heheh."

"And then, two bridesmaid dresses, two flower girls', and one wedding dress," Dave added.

I saw Harley smile and blush. "Yes, please.

Lalonde smirked. "I must say, I am proud of you, brother. I remember how I told you to marry your raps one time. How nice it must be to finally see the light."

Dave wiggled his eyebrows. "Says the girl who wanted to make out with a troll in the freaking woods. Two years ago, might I add."

They both sneered menacingly at each other, then laughed.

Fuck. Why were my eyelids slowly drooping as I listened to the conversations? I don't know why I felt so tired all of a sudden.

I folded my arms at the table and laid my head down. Sigh. Maybe this is what it feels like to have all your worries gone. It felt nice.

"Uncle Karkat, what's up with your horns?"

"Can you fly?"

"I just wonked at you, Uncle Karkat." ;D

"Ssh," I heard Rosemary hush them. "Let him sleep."

I yawned as my eyelids finally closed. Such a nice girl. I have to remind myself not to get crabby with her too much in the future.


My eyebrows furrowed. Didn't Strider just heard Rosemary say to let me sleep??

"Bro, Karkat, wake up."

I flashed my eyes open. "WHAT!"

He backpedaled. "Whoa. Chillax, bro. I didn't mean to wake you on the wrong side of the... er, table.


I blinked several times.

The fuck is this? Dave looked... so young!?


"Oh, you fell asleep a while ago. Probably because Egbert here keeps blabbering about winning and all."

John chimed in and he looked young, too. What the fucking fuck?? "No way! He fell asleep because of your stupid raps. Honestly, you've gotten soft with them, Dave."

"What! How dare you, man! I bet if you'd have kids, they wouldn't look anything like you!"

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

Harley sighed. "Guys, please settle down." she turned to me. "Karkat, are you okay?" I probably looked like someone threw a bucket to my face again. "You look like you were having one hell of a dream a while ago."

Dream? "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?" I looked around and saw we were in the meteor's library. Rose and Kanaya were seated to my left, talking about something. Where were the human kids? Did everyone suddenly turned young or something?!


"'Kid'?" she repeated, "'Rosemary'?" and raised an eyebrow at the troll beside her.

Maryam shrugged with a confused look on her face. I noticed she was wearing her black shirt with the green Virgo sign, and she had short hair again.

Rose ruffled her shoulder-length locks and had stared into space. "Rosemary, huh. ...Kanaya... Rosemary Kanaya..." I heard her mumbling.


Dave punched me lightly on my arm. "What's with you, man? We're celebrating here, then you fall asleep, and then you're gonna ask what's fucking going on?" he shook his head. "The game's over, bro. We won."

Huh? "WE... WON?"

They all nodded anxiously at me.

Well, fuck.

The End

(At last.)


I am sorry for the way the story ended.

You could say that I just couldn't help it.

And yes, I beg of you not to push me purposefully into a manhole for doing so.

Glad we had this conversation and I wasted amounts of your time.


~May 1, 2017~
Hi guys! I dunno, I'm just rereading this fic I wrote and realizing how cliche the ending really was. But then again, it WAS my first ever series, it was/is my baby, my first try in writing more than short stories.
I'm sorry, I'm just getting all sappy from looking back on where I started, and it's been years since I published the first part of this.

Thank you for all the votes and the comments, and just your whole support in this. I know it's just a fanfic, but it means so so much to me, and I cannot thank you enough to all those who took the time to read it.

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