Oh Star

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 “What's up, Rose?” John asked with a grin on his face. Probably because the game just ended sometime ago and we actually won. Rose had told us to meet up somewhere because she wanted to tell us something important. Something top secret too, I guess? :/ Anyway, of all the places we could have a meeting, she chose Dave's respiteblock.

Now, don't get me wrong, I don't really mind. I mean, this is where he sleeps and all. And I see a bunch of his stuff and no no, it's really nothing at all, Jade.

“Yeah, what's going on?” I curiously asked.

Dave wiggled his eyebrows. “You're prego with Maryam's babies, is that it?”

“If there was actually a possibility, I'd say yes, you pompous fool.” she meant Dave. “But no, I'm not. Perhaps because her genetic material is not compatible with my own to produce infants, or even new species by combining human and troll DNA. Therefore-”

“Okay okay, yeesh.” he grimaced. “I just wanted you to feel embarrassed or something, but you're not. You can stop telling us about your intimate life and get it over with your announcement. I was in the middle of creating raps, you see.”

“Of course. I didn't want to bother you, Strider. Pardon me.” Wow. I'd forgotten she really was that sarcastic. “I've requested for all of your presence because-”

“In my room, yeah.”

“Yes, in your room, Dave. Thank you for bringing it up. To everyone's acknowledgment, the game is over and we won, correct?”

“Heck, yeah.” John replied.

“Alright. So, as I was saying before I was interrupted by my brother a while ago, I've summoned you all to the last place I know my matesprit would think of finding me.”

“What, are you hiding from her or something?” Dave asked.

“As of the moment, yes. But not for reasons of quarrel or misunderstanding. A few days ago, I realized that we'll need to go back to Earth at some point, yes?”

We all nodded.

“So, I was thinking I'd offer Kanaya to come along with us.”

I smiled widely. “Of course! We'd be glad, Rose.”

She smirked at me. “Thank you, Jade. But I ask of you not to say anything to her as I want myself to do it.”

“Yeah sure, Kan's cool,” Dave replied. “I mean, I still need her to get me a sample of their Alternian raps or whatever. Maybe she could bring it on Earth.”

“What is it with you and raps, anyway?” John asked.

“It's my fucking life, Egbert. You won't get it 'cause you're not like me.”

I saw Rose roll her eyes.

“Oh hey,” John added like he remembered something. “You and Jade are going to repopulate the Earth, right?”

Me and Dave stared at him with our mouths open. Well, at least mine was.

“Don't you remember what Karkat said last time?” he frowned at the two of us. “Our responsibilities?”

“Well... yeah,” Dave reluctantly replied. He contemplated for a while. “Yeah, okay. Whatever.”


“What? Oh.. um.. okay. I mean... okay.” I think I blushed right then and there. Sigh.

“What about you two?” Dave asked them suspiciously.

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