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It's been two years since I first saw my Mom cry.

I remember how she had hugged my older sister with such sadness in her eyes.

I was only three years old back then, but even now I still remember it. Aunt Jade and her boys visited us the next day, and it was like nothing happened. Like my sister and I didn't see our Mom cry for the first time and all.

Are all adults like that?

Oh, phooey.

Anyways, Rosemary had told me that the person Mom cried about was going to visit us soon. ;D

Hmm... I randomly noticed that the adults, even my Mom, call my sister just “Kanaya”. Sometimes, “Rosemary Kanaya”, but never just “Rosemary”. Meanwhile, Dirk, Jake and me call her “Rosemary”, but never “Kanaya”.

I wonder why that was.

I also wondered when this special person that Mom keeps mentioning, will visit us. Rosemary told me that we shouldn't tell Mom that her girlfriend was alive though. That it was a surprise or something. I wonder if my Mom will actually be surprised when it happens.

She had told us a lot of stories now. About this other Kanaya from another planet.

My sister and I felt glad that Mom doesn't cry anymore when talking about her first love-slash-best friend. It had seemed she really liked this girl, by the way she talks about her and all. I wonder if other Kanaya was an alien, and had giggled at the thought.

Mom was telling us another story while we were seated on the sofa, waiting for Dad to pick us up. We were going to have a road trip for a few days, and Mom had decided to stay at home. She rarely leaves the house.

“And then I invited her on a date with me.” she smiled a little. “I had never been to a date though, so I wanted to look presentable for a change, and I'd worn this prom dress for the occasion. I drank some alcohol to get rid of the nerves, too. I'm not sure why I was nervous in the first place though. We walked for a while as we talked about stuff and then...”

“Then what?” my older sister instantly asked with her brows pushed together.

“I kissed her.” Mom smirked at us. “And then we became matesprits after that. I don't remember how I got to my respiteblock that night though, since I fell down a flight of stairs from my intoxication and with my action of kissing a troll.”

“Nateshrits?” I asked.

Rosemary corrected me. “Matesprits, Roxy. They're in love with each other and everything.”


She patted my shoulder. “Almost. Try again.”

… “Mateshits?”

Mom gently placed two fingers over my lips. “It's 'matesprit', dear. With a P. Try to remember next time.” then she pulled her hand away.

“Does Dad have a matesprit, too?” My sister asked.

“No, but there was a troll girl that he liked. Maybe you could ask him about it.” she smirked again. And as if on cue, we heard our Dad's pickup truck outside and had honked.

The three of us stood up and walked to the door.

Mom held it open, then hugged us. “Be careful.”

“We will.” Rosemary smiled and waved one last time then ran to the truck first.

“Sweetie, aren't you going, too?”

I waited for a while, then looked up at her. ”I hope you see her soon, Mommy. And when you do, I hope you'll get to kiss her and be happy again.” I smiled.

Her eyebrows raised. She probably figured out who I was talking about.

I ran to my Dad and sister, then before we left, I closed my eyes. My first prayer came out in a whisper.

“Dear God, please let Momma see her matespit.”

I think I got the word right this time? …

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