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“Hey! What's up, Kanaya?” I asked her while holding up my hand for a high five.

“Um, Hello, John.” she raised an eyebrow questioningly at me.

Whoops, hehe. I lowered my hand since she probably didn't know what a “high five” was. I think Rose would never do that kind of thing with her, and Dave was all about the bro fists. Jade would just hug someone. I was all alone with my high fives. Bummer.

“Anyway, so what did you want to talk about?” she had messaged me on my computer that she wanted to tell me something important.

“Well, Tomorrow Is The Day That The Four Of You Leave Alternia.”

“Uh-huh.” I'm not sure where this was going. Jade said that Kanaya wasn't coming with us though. I wonder why. Wait... was she going to say she liked me and not Rose!? Oh, Kan...

She held out a small, folded piece of paper. “I Require You To Please Give This To My Matesprit.”

Eh? I took the paper. “Okay then. Like in the movies I told you about! Hehe. Do you want me to give it to her now or something?”

Her head looked down and didn't meet my eyes. “No, I... I Want You To Give That To Her When... You Have Found Out That I Passed Away.”

“Passed away?? Wait, wait, hold on,” now it really was like the movies. Writing letters before you died and all. I shook my head, trying to make my brain work. “Are you talking about hunting for Gamzee again?”

“Well, Yes.”

“And you're expecting that you're going to somehow... die?” Boy, I wonder if this was some troll thing.

“Somehow, Yes.”

“Huh. Well, I hope you don't, Kanaya. Rose wouldn't really like it.” she just stared at me. “By the way, how would I know if you passed away?”

“I Am Not Sure. Maybe While My Blood Is Dripping Out Of Me, I Will Use My Computer To Send You A Message.” she laughed quietly to herself.

I've never really understood Kanaya's sense of humor. Maybe Rose did. I'll ask her sometime.

“Also, Concerning Your Responsibility On Earth, May I Ask A Request?” she added.

“Huh? Um, sure.”

“Since You Will Be The One To Take Care Of Rose Now, And You Have To Repopulate Your Planet, I Ask That You... Um... Be Gentle... To Her?”

I felt my face go red. “What? Well I... I mean, I'm not going to... I mean, it's Rose's choice to decide when to... if she wants to... what I mean is...” Crap. Was it always this hard to talk to your friend's girlfriend 'cause you're supposed to knock up the said 'friend'? God, what to do. “Uh... um... well, okay. I mean, if Rose finally decides when to... you know... then okay, I'll be...” I cringed, “gentle with her.”

Kanaya seemed to be blushing as well. “Great,” she muttered like it wasn't really great but hey, she was trying. “Thank You, John. I Ask Another Favor, If It's All Right?”

“Sure.” As long as it didn't involve intimate things anyway.

“Please Do Not Hurt Her Feelings Like What I Did To Her A Few Days Ago.”

“Of course.” I didn't know about that though?...

“And If You Do,” she suddenly laid a hand on my shoulder and looked me in the eyes. “I'm Afraid I Will Have To Come After You And Take Away Your Life.”

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