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Thanks for all of you who have read this far!! I hope you've enjoyed the adventure, which will be continuing soon! :D Tell me what you think, and enjoy chapter five!

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My cloak catches on branches and often times my feet trip over the ends. The boots I wear are much too large for me to run properly in, and especially since my state of shock keeps me from realizing where we are. I focus my eyes on the boy and him only, knowing that he probably knows where we’re going. “Where are we?” My voice comes back to life, shock clear in the words I speak.

“Keep moving, they are following us,” he warns, pulling me along the endless hills within the forests as we slide down a dip in the landscape and up the other end. I grip onto a skinny tree near the top of the rather steep hill, panting for breath, though the boy shows no sign of tiredness.

“Who are you?” I ask, forcing myself to keep following this stranger.

“I cannot explain now,” his head glances behind us across the dip that separates us from the other side as a small group of men appear on the other side. Their voices echo through the forest, though I can’t make out any of their words. “Run in front of me, I will keep them from getting you,” he reassures me. I don’t know who to trust now, so I just go along with him and allow myself to march onward, jogging at a steady pace to keep myself from tiring out.

I don’t know how long we go on like this through the forest before crossing paths with a gravel trail, much like the one before, though this one is narrower and is patched with multiple footprints of those before us. At this time, the boy releases my hand, which I realize is quite sweaty now as my breath comes in short gasps. My lungs sting from breathing so heavily, and I now recognize the beginning of a cramp on my side as my stomach gurgles for nutrition. Obviously the boy catches my painful state and lets out a short laugh. “Hungry?” He asks, and I nod breathlessly. He reaches into his satchel and removes a small canteen bottle. “Go easy on that, I do not have much left,” he warns as I begin to press the opening to my lips.

Anticipating the cool water to run down my throat, I receive a tart tasting juice tingling my taste buds instead. I caught abruptly, not expecting that to happen. This only makes the boy laugh even more. “What is the matter?”

“What is this?” I exclaim angrily.

“Elixir philter, it will help so drink up,” he insists I drink more. I do as he says, tipping the jug back again and gulping most of the contents down, realizing the aftertaste is quite sweet. He has to take it away from me before I drain the canteen, and then decides to introduce himself. “I am Trey, Diabolos’s messenger. There is no reason for you to remember me for the Fields of Power has taken the memories from you,” he explains, reaching into one of the pockets of my cloak and removing a slip of paper and handing it to me. “This should clear things up for you,” he tells me and continues walking. My feet respond immediately as I hurry after him while opening the note.

Dear Nicole,

This all may seem really overwhelming, and confusing, not to mention very crazy and hectic, but Trey told me to write this letter since he believes you’ll listen to me before you do to him.

You've been to this place a few times before, since you were captured by the Gifted and sent into slavery. It wasn’t as terrible as I thought when I came there a few weeks ago, but apparently I was the first to escape before hand. Are you following this? Do you know what I’m talking about? I don’t mean to confuse you, but it’s true. Currently Trey and I are attempting to escape the Castle of the Gifted, in order to keep me from getting captured by Diabolos, who apparently believes I’m a Sorcerer, whatever that is. Just go with it, even I don’t know.

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