Tutor!RikuXStudent!Reader One-shot

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For: Mary (lolagirl29)

Author’s Notes:

This is for the lovely Mary, aka lolagirl29, if that weren’t obvious. From what I can tell, and previous messages with her, I can tell she is a big Riku fan. I hope you enjoy this Mary!

I do not own any Kingdom Hearts characters used in this story, nor do I own the video or picture. These all belong to their original owners/creators.


“… That’s supposed to be a semi-colon, not a coma.”

I glanced up at the silver haired male and looked back to my paper, quickly adding a dot above the coma.

I was failing in English, and my teacher told me the only way to bump my score was to get a tutor. So she assigned me to the most sought after guy in all of Destiny Islands Academy. Riku Nadri (When I actually update one of my KH/FF stories, you’ll get this). He was, as girls often said, perfect.

He was an A plus student, had a GPA of 4.20 (not sure if that’s correct, but whatever), was in all honors classes, captain of the struggle team, and was, to simply put it, hot.

Many girls at DIA fought over him. In this semester alone there had been eight fights between girls, the girls involved in the fight arguing over who Riku would fall for. It was all very moronic if you asked me.

 So yes, he is my tutor. And yes I’ve been improving in my English class since he started tutoring me. But there was a small problem.

I was starting to fall for him.

He was always patient with me, always treated me kindly – he was the perfect gentleman.

But that was just it. He was perfect. I wasn’t. He was the guys wished they could be, the guy girls wanted to date. I was just the kid no one paid attention to. The loner. The loser. He’d never go for someone like me.



I looked up ask I heard my name being called, seeing Riku standing in front of my desk, a smile being sent my way. “Would you like to catch a movie with me this Saturday?”

… What did he just say?

I couldn’t stop the wide grin from spreading across my face. “Sure! What time?”

“Eight thirty? I heard a new comedy just came out yesterday, and I’ve been waiting to see it.”

“Alright, I’ll see you there.”

The silverette flashed me one last smile before walking away, the last thing he said being, “It’s a date.”


Yes, yes, I know. Very short. But I thought that was a nice place to leave it off at. To request a oneshot, just message me or comment below, I hope you liked it, bye!

»Next time! Draco MalfoyXOC [Harry Potter (I think…)]«

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