Vanitas One-Shot

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For: Amaterasu Kaminari (khperv15)

Author’s Notes:

I’m sorry if I fail with this one! TT^TT It’s kinda sad and really negative! Oh, and this is set in times with royalty and slaves and stuff.

I do not own any Kingdom Hearts characters used in this story, nor do I own the video or picture. These all belong to their original owners/creators.


“You shall never be beautiful.”

“I shall never be beautiful.”

“You shall never be loved.”

“I shall never be loved.”

“You will forever be a monster.”

“I will forever be a monster.”

“You shall never be free.”

“I shall never be free.”

The ravenette in front of me smiled, staring at me intently as I repeated the phrases he said to me. This wasn’t the first time either. I’d been through this before. I’d said these phrases before.

Vanitas was my master. He controlled me. He told me what to do. And I had no choice but to obey him, no way of escaping this fate. I was born into slavery. He was born into royalty. This was how it was supposed to be.

But I knew what the true meaning was behind what he said, what we said. He was afraid. He didn’t want to lose me. By saying these things, he was making sure I was his. He was making sure he wouldn’t be forgotten. By scarring me, he was leaving his mark on my heart. He wanted to make sure that I wouldn’t leave him alone.

And by repeating what he said, I was showing him that I would stay by his side. I was showing him how I felt for him. By repeating these morbid phrases of his, I was telling him I was his. That I would never forget him. By letting him scar me, I was letting him know I’d stay with him forever. I was letting him know I’d never let him be alone.

He was showing me he loved me, no matter how sick it was.

And I was showing him that I loved him, too.

He didn’t want to be left alone. He didn’t want to be abandoned. He didn’t want to repeat his past. And I wouldn’t let that happen.

This was our own dreadful way of speaking.


“Yes, Vanitas?”

“Never leave me.”

‘I love you.’

“I’ll stay with you, now and forever.”

‘I love you, too.’


Once again, sorry that it’s a bit negative and sad. It’s kinda bitter-sweet I guess. I’m sorry if you don’t like it, but, I really couldn’t think of anything else… Besides, call me sadistic, but I kinda liked this one. It’s probably my favorite out of all of the oneshots I’ve written so far…

»Next time! OC X Seifer [Final Fantasy]«

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