4: Hold A Lover Close

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"There's a request for you, Lauren

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"There's a request for you, Lauren." Sarah's voice interrupted my thoughts. I had been staring into space at myself in the mirror for a good minute now while I had been applying makeup.

I turned my head. "What?"

Sarah shrugged. "Your alias is Alice, right?" She asked. She pushed strands of her black hair behind her ear.

"Well yeah," I said. "Who?"

Sarah smirked. "It's that Urie guy. When I didn't know who 'Alice' was he just said 'the pretty blonde girl'. And well you're blonde and you're pretty. But get out there, he's waiting."

I blushed and put my mask on. Brendon Urie asked for me personally, and he said I was pretty.

As I walked past Sarah, she said "room three." I left the dressing room and walked straight to room three, excited to see Brendon.

I opened the door and saw Brendon sitting on the dark couch sipping from a glass of whiskey. When he saw me, his eyes lit up.

"Hi beautiful," he stood and took my hand. He pressed his lips to my skin and smiled at me.

"I missed you." He said and led me to the couch.

He took off his mask since it was just me and him. "When are you gonna take yours off," he asked, pouring me a glass of whiskey.

I smiled. "Oh Mr. Urie, it wouldn't be appropriate."

"Honey, nothing in this place is appropriate. Why not fit in with it?" He handed me the glass and I took a sip.

"I am fitting in by keeping it on." I said. He chuckled. "You're impossible."

I chuckled and took another sip. "So," I said once I set my glass down on the table. "Mr. Urie." I smirked at him. Then I pushed myself up and straddled his waist. He put his hands on my butt and squeezed.

"I think you're beautiful," he leaned in and whispered in my ear. I felt myself blushing but the mask and makeup covered the redness.

"You haven't even seen my face, Mr. Urie." I smirked. He ran his hands up and down my thighs.

"I don't need to." He smirked back at me. His brown eyes looked devious. "But I'd like too."

I acted like I was thinking and bit my lip. Where did this confidence come from?

I shook my head with a grin. "No, I'll leave it on, Urie."

"Brendon," he corrected.

"Brendon." I said. Then he leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back.

The guys I normally saw didn't kiss me. They just wanted their money's worth of a lap dance or for me to take off my bra in their face.

But Brendon,

He acted like he cared. No one ever kissed me.

Once he pulled away, I said "Yknow, that's the first time I've ever been kissed." I said.

His eyebrows went up. "Really?" He asked. "You wasted it on me?"

"Oh trust me Brendon," I said running my hands up his chest. "It wasn't wasted."


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